Wholesome Baldur’s Gate 3 glitch has Gale sleeping next to his pets

Daniel Appleford
Screenshot of companion Gale from Baldur's Gate 3

A new Baldur’s Gate 3 glitch makes Gale the most wholesome companion as he leaves room for furry friends.

Despite winning Game of the Year in 2023, Baldur’s Gate is not immune to having the occasional glitch. While some glitches can be annoying and cause issues with the game, developers should consider turning the most recent glitch discovered on Reddit into a feature.

Two furry companions can join the player’s Tav on their journey to Baldur’s Gate. You can find the first one, Scratch, right at the very start of Act 1. Meanwhile, the Owlbear cub will appear during the same Act after four or five long rests.

After a certain cut scene during Act 1 that involves a nightmare with the Owlbear cub, Gale has moved to the side of his bedroll and left open a space for someone else. In this specific glitch, you’ll notice Scratch and the Owlbear cub seemingly lying on top of Gale’s bedroll in his place.

Gale moving over for scratch and owlbear

“Ok, somebody please make a mod where Scratch and/or the Owlbear can curl up next to us in our bedroll? Scratch would totally do that.” said one user.

“Gale’s a cat dad. He knows when it’s no longer his bed.” chimed in another.

Although the original poster initially labeled Gale’s movement as a glitch, they later suggested that it might actually be an intentional feature within the game.

“I’ve done a fair few playthroughs and this is the first time it’s happened for me. I was – needless to say – absolutely delighted… and also unsure if it was truly a bug or a new update.” explained the poster.

Whether intentional or not, the idea of Gale sharing his bed with the furry companions in the group is right on brand for his character. Hopefully, the interaction after the nightmare is real so that others can enjoy the pure wholesomeness.