Warzone 2 players thrilled at the return of 1v1 Gulag matches

Ryan Lemay
Warzone 2 new Gulag with logo

Warzone 2 players rejoiced as Activision decided to backtrack on its 2v2 Gulag concept and bring back the fan-favorite 1v1 format.

On January 18, Activision delayed MW2 and WZ2 Season 2 until February 15. The decision disappointed community members, but the development team promised significant changes to the battle royale sequel. The delay announcement explicitly mentioned adjustments to looting, loadouts, and the Gulag.

Warzone 2 players expressed concerns after watching the new Gulag system first appear during Call of Duty Next, and the final product failed to sway public opinion. The developers changed the classic Gulag from 1v1 to 2v2 in some ways to push the new proximity chat feature.

Gulag participants could use proximity chat to strategize with their random teammates or cooperate with the enemy team to take out the Jailer and respawn all four players. One of the biggest concerns raised was putting your life in the hands of a random teammate, and other players complained about teammates leaving before the match even started.

Activision listened to the overwhelming feedback and announced a reinstatement of the 1v1 format for Season 2.

Warzone 2 Gulag gameplay
Warzone 2’s completely redesigned the Gulag.

1v1 Gulag matches return to Warzone 2

On January 19, Infinity Ward announced, “1v1’s are back in Battle Royale.”

The developers added, “Gulag updates are coming in Season 02. We’ll be sharing more details about this in next week’s studio blog.”

Warzone 2 TimTheTatman responded emphatically, “that’s what I’m f**king talking about.”

TrueGameData added, “We prayed to our lord and savior, Raven Software, and they are coming through for us like always.”

Call of Duty leaker Metaphor stated, “so it begins,” hinting at the other potential changes scheduled in the pipeline.

We will provide an update when we know more about the Gulag and everything else coming to Warzone 2 in Season 2.