Warzone Mobile is so bad on Android players are just uninstalling

Shane Black
Warzone Mobile logo art

Warzone Mobile continues to struggle on Android, with the recent update doing little to help performance and optimization.

Despite the Android version of Warzone Mobile receiving a new update to address performance issues, the game is still not in a good place.

Chugging gameplay, graphics not rendering, and more are plaguing the community, who are trying to dive into this new version of the popular battle royale. Many players are starting to abandon the game already and are wondering if the devs focused too much on the iPhone version.

YouTuber, RoastSmith, asked the community how they were feeling about the game now that the update has been rolled out, and the responses were not so happy.

“There is nothing positive about WZM…if there is help you can do…tell the devs to remove the app from Google Play Store and make an optimized WZM from scratch. This game is in ruins currently.”

The performance of the game is largely what is causing the most headache for many players in Warzone Mobile, as one user shares a clip of their game flickering on and off repeatedly.

Another fan offers up their own screenshots, showing the game’s graphics to be unrendered and blocky.

The state of Warzone Mobile has gotten so bad for some players that they are uninstalling the game already and leaving it behind.

Some are even speculating that the game was designed with the iPhone or iPad in mind, more so than the Android or any other mobile device.

The devs are sure to be releasing more updates shortly, which the community hopes will be the solution to their performance woes.