Void Crew artist admits Destiny 2 “inspiration” amidst pyramid ship controversy

Kurt Perry
Void Crew Pyramid Ship that Destiny 2 players believe looks too similar.

Hutlihut Games has come under fire from the Destiny community after the Pyramid Ships shown in Void Crew were thought to look like those in Destiny 2 with one of the Senior Artists admitting that they took “inspiration,” from Bungie’s work.

Void Crew is an adventure space sim published by Focus Entertainment. Ahead of its early access launch on September 7, the publisher shared a range of promotional artwork to harbor interest in its new game.

However, the reception to that artwork was mixed. While many appreciated the aesthetic and visual quality on display, others questioned why one of the ships looked so alike to those in Destiny 2.

These similarities have sparked controversy pushing one of Void Crew’s senior artists to speak up and address the accusations.

Void Crew artist addresses Destiny 2 pyramid ship similarities

Following criticism that promotional art of Void Crew featured a pyramid ship that looked similar to a Destiny 2 ship, Kristoffer Nissen – Hutlihut’s 3D Senior Artist – explained why in the official Void Crew Discord.

Nissen admitted: “There’s some inspiration to be had from Destiny for sure here. Overall the Hollow’s design language is a mixture of lifeless geometric shapes, machinery, and some insect-like details and features.”

In a follow-up message, Nissen clarified: “I wouldn’t say we have one or two major sources of inspiration. We have design documents and ideas of what enemies we wanted to create. Low, mid, high tier type of enemies and differentiation in sizes and so forth.”

Hutlihut Games' 3D Senior Artist addressing Void Crew Destiny copycat accusations.
Kristoffer Nissen’s full comments on the comparisons between Void Crew and Destiny 2’s pyramid ship.

Despite defending the similarities the 3D Artist did admit that Hutlihut may have to reconsider some of its art to “stand out more clearly compared to Destiny 2.”

Bungie itself hasn’t been immune to copycat accusations with an iconic cutscene revealing the origin of The Witness coming under fire for using a fan’s artwork without permission. The Destiny publisher later apologized, credited, and compensated the artist.