8-year-old boy’s disturbing search history has the internet cracking up

Molly Byrne
8 year old boy's search history had internet cracking up

The father of an 8-year-old boy exposed his son’s search history and the internet can’t stop laughing.

Things kids do when their parents aren’t looking could go down as some of the funniest content, as the whole ‘getting away’ with something makes it all the more fun.

Though some kids will only have a story to tell about their free time activities, there’s one 8-year-old boy who couldn’t have gotten away with his actions if he tried.

And when his dad heard of what his son was doing, well, he took to the internet to expose its hilarity.

8-year-old boy’s search history had his dad and sister laughing hysterically

When a dad got ahold of his 8-year-old son’s iPad, he and the boy’s older sister thought to go through his search history.

As the searches went on, the findings ended up being more surprising the deeper the duo got.

First, the boy was curious about lucid dreaming, having looked it up multiple times. He then shifted gears to certain celebrity deaths like XXXTentacion, Michael Jackson, Elvis, and David Bowie.

For whatever reason, the boy then searched “arson” followed by the game Fortnite.

However, things started to get even funnier after he leveled out with searching for Fortnite, as the game is somewhat relevant to an 8-year-old’s life.

What’s next was way out of the norm…  

As the boy’s dad and sister continued to read his search history, they read “bbq sauce on titties.” The pair then laughed hysterically, questioning where the idea came from.

After posting his son’s hilarious findings on the internet, social media reacted, saying, “I’m in stitches, this is sooo funny!”

As well as, “Anyone that can’t appreciate that search history has fully forgotten what it was like to be a kid, lol.”

Some viewers also pointed out how nonchalant the dad was to his son looking up “arson.” One person then joked that the boy may need therapy.

Though the video of the boy’s search history has gone viral, there has been no comment from any of the family members about why the son may have wanted to know more about death, arson, and… “bbq sauce on titties.”