Couple’s immediate divorce leaves guest fuming after spending big bucks on wedding gifts

Eleni Thomas
Woman wedding

A guest has expressed her frustrations at spending thousands of dollars on her friend’s wedding only for the new bride to announce her separation from her partner weeks after the big day.

One woman has been left reeling after she spent thousands of dollars on her friend’s wedding only for them to divorce weeks after the big day took place.

Sharing her thoughts on the Mumsnet subforum Am I Being Unreasonable, the woman went into great detail about the situation, asking her fellow forum users if her frustrations were warranted.

“Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed at spending so much money on my friend’s dream wedding day for it all to be a sham and over in a matter of weeks”, began the woman, who goes by Littlewhitedoves on the website. 

Woman wedding body
A Wedding guest was fuming after attending her friend’s wedding

“I know it sounds selfish but I can’t help feeling so upset at the amount of effort I went to and money I spent on making it amazing for her. She is being so blasé about the whole situation and laughing about it being the shortest marriage, she knew it wasn’t going to last, etc. I’ve tried speaking to her seriously about it to get a better understanding. 

“We knew he maybe wasn’t the right fit for her and I could totally understand her decision if it was a DV situation but she said they are not right for each other. She said she didn’t want to let people down and would’ve been embarrassed to cancel. She wanted her fairytale day and the wedding of dreams.”

The friend then explained that she was not aware that there were anything problems in the relationship and that, while she understands these types of situations and personal and private, she and other guests have now spent thousands of dollars for an event.

“She gave no indication that there was anything wrong in the relationship and I totally understand that you never know what is going on behind closed doors. 

“Obviously, her happiness comes first and is more important than money but it has just irked me that I spent so much and put so much effort into little details to make it really special and essentially the guests funded a day for her to feel like a princess and it was never about getting married.”

Fellow users have been commenting their support for the woman. One wrote, “Yes I’d be irritated as well. More about the blasé attitude that she was happy for people to go to a lot of time, effort, and spend money celebrating something that she knew wasn’t real. Although maybe she is putting on a brave face.”

However, others noted that the guest did not need to spend all that money during the wedding, commenting that “it was your choice to spend the money. Don’t buy things you can’t afford.”

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