Dr Disrespect reveals new song on YouTube and fans want album now

David Purcell
dr disrespect and his music

Dr Disrespect has been hyping up the release of his own music album for some time and his fans on YouTube have been given a sneak peek.

The Two-Time has built up a really defined style of music on his streams, starting on Twitch and crossing over to YouTube since his ban in June 2020.

Over time, he’s moved away from playing some of the tech classics he used to on stream, to creating his own records. Alleyways – one of his most popular tracks to date – has recorded over 17 million hits across YouTube and Spotify.

Next on the agenda for the content creator is a full album, which he teased back in March. On July 27, viewers were treated to a debut of a song from it.

Dr Disrespect reveals new unnamed song

He said: “Working on a new dance song… I’m talking a song that could hit in Germany, in the night clubs. Working on a new one… And we’re doing this special song side-by-side with none other than J+1.

“I think you guys heard a little sample a long time ago, I mean, we’re going to start building that one out. I’ve seen a lot of requests like ‘finish the song, Doc finish the song’… I don’t know if you wanna hear a sample of it.”

The self-professed best video gamer in the world started to share his screen, which showed a single file in his ‘My Music’ album – with no name. While it’s not finished yet, it does give his fanbase a little behind-the-scenes of what he’s working on.

If the YouTube clip doesn’t work below, click here.

Seconds later, he ended a period of suspense for viewers by pressing play and many of them can’t wait to add it to their playlists already.

One said: “Doc amazing new song,” while a second posted: “Can’t wait for doc to release the song.” Others described it as a “banger,” urging him to release the album soon.

Another added: “Can’t wait for Doc to release the song.”

This isn’t the first time, of course, that the Doc has given the Champions Club a first-look at his musical works on stream – and it likely won’t be the last.

About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on Dexerto.com and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: david.purcell@dexerto.com.