Families fight at Disney World as photo-op ends in viral brawl

Michael Gwilliam
family brawl at disney world

A family feud at Disney World turned into a massive brawl between multiple people thanks to a dispute over a photo-op.

Disney World is sometimes referred to as the most magical place on earth, but the Florida location became the scene of a chaotic fight due to a disagreement over guests standing in front of the park’s sign.

We’ve seen hundreds of viral melees at this point, ranging from grungy gas station brawls to the over-the-top burger joint brouhahas, but the last place you’d expect to encounter fisticuffs is on vacation with your family.

Yet, that’s exactly what happened when a family refused to move so another could take a photo in front of the park’s 100th Anniversary sign to celebrate The Walt Disney Company.

Massive Disney World brawl goes viral after photo-op argument

According to Fox News, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office claimed that when one of the families was asked to move, punches were thrown, eventually leading to a scrap involving everyone at the scene.

Footage of the melee posted to social media shows the two groups going at it, with plenty of cheap shots being exchanged in the process.

At one point, after one man got hit straight in the jaw, another visitor in a white shirt pummeled him in the back of the head, eventually leading to a tackle and the parties taking their fight to the ground.

The clip ends before any real damage could be done, but one of the family members needed medical treatment while two others were removed from the park.

Despite the injury, the fighter didn’t want to press charges. It’s not clear if the family ended up getting their photo in front of the sign after all, but at least they’ll always have this viral brawl to look back on as a bonding moment.