Joe Rogan opens new comedy club ‘Mothership’ labeled “anti-cancel culture”

Jacob Hale
Joe Rogan smiling on podcast, with Comedy Mothership logo on bottom right corner

Joe Rogan has officially opened his new “anti-cancel culture” comedy club in Austin, Texas, where comedians and fans can share their dark humor without fear of being canceled by the masses.

Comedy Mothership has officially launched, with the first show on March 7 selling out in minutes, featuring a lineup of “canceled” comedians such as Roseanne Barr, Tim Dillon, David Lucas, and more taking to the club, where no joke can cross the line.

This has been a long time in the making for Rogan, who has made clear his desire to do this for a while, before finally biting the bullet and getting things underway, with the club itself being in development for around two and a half years.

As hinted at by the name, Comedy Mothership is alien-themed — perhaps a nod to the alienation of “canceled” comedians and even those who enjoy their work.

“I’m drunk and on mushrooms in my new club!” said Rogan on opening night. “This is as high as I’ve ever been onstage. I need to connect with this moment … You can’t fire me from my own club, b**ch!”

The venue itself is divided into two stages, a headline room called Fat Man and a smaller stage named Little Boy, with Rogan saying that he hired “the best people” from Los Angeles’ Comedy Store to run Comedy Mothership.

In a Q&A section of the show at the end, Rogan explained that he was “super nervous” for the launch of Comedy Mothership and that it “still didn’t feel real.”

Tickets for Comedy Mothership shows are a modest $40, but have been selling for up to $500 online for those looking to get in.