Logan Paul admits ‘heroic’ act in saving Rey Mysterio’s life actually “almost killed him”

Eleni Thomas
Logan Paul Rey Mysterio header

WWE United States Champion and influencer Logan Paul reflected on a much-talked-about moment from his last match in which WWE veteran Rey Mysterio almost landed directly on his neck, admitting that what many thought was quick thinking was actually a misstep on Logan Paul’s part.

Logan Paul defeated Rey Mysterio at the recent WWE event, Crown Jewel, winning his first-ever championship in the United States title. While many viewers and industry stars praised the match, one particular spot from the bout garnered major attention.

The spot in question being when Rey Mysterio went for a backward somersault off the ropes and almost landed straight on his head. Logan Paul thought quickly to drop down and catch the WWE veteran before he landed and potentially did some serious harm.

As a result, many have been praising Logan Paul online for his last-minute save, a moment that the influencer turned WWE star spoke about during his most recent episode of the IMPAULSIVE podcast.

When reflecting on the moment, Paul expressed that it was a scary incident and that he does think his quick thinking saved Rey Mysterio’s life. However, he also acknowledged that if he had been unable to catch him, it could have ended very badly indeed.

“Look, I’m going to come clean, because I’ve seen all these positive headlines right, ‘Logan saves Rey Mysterio’, the Mexican community going crazy, they’re praising me, saying I’m sort of a hero & so I’m like dang, I’m being recognized for doing something cool I’ll take it.

“Upon assessing my performance, while I do think I did save Rey Mysterio’s life I think I also almost killed Rey Mysterio.”

The new United States champion then went into much greater detail about the incident and how his positioning was a factor in why Rey Mysterio was almost injured.

“I think I was too far back for the move & I think he didn’t clear enough ground for the move, that’s what happened like…I was too far back & he didn’t clear enough ground we both made a mistake & I had to catch him & I wasn’t gonna not catch him so like truthfully while I like the headlines & I like being gassed up like this, I was just doing my job.”

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