Man accused of accidentally suffocating infant daughter while playing video games

Cassidy Stephenson
Man accused of suffocating daughter

21-year-old Alex Marsh had pleaded no contest to second-degree murder after being accused of accidentally suffocating his six-month-old daughter.

On September 21, Marsh pleaded no contest to second-degree murder before Midland County Circuit Court Judge Michael Beale. The previous charges of first-degree murder and child abuse were dropped.

He will later be sentenced on November 16, 2023, and serve a minimum of 13 and a half years in prison.

Despite Marsh’s daughter’s death, the prosecution team does not believe he intentionally killed his daughter.

Man will serve a minimum of 13 and a half years in prison for suffocating daughter

According to Midland Daily News, Marsh allegedly placed a four-pound blanket on his six-month-old daughter, Scarlett, on the night of May 17, 2022. This act contributed to her death by asphyxiation while he supposedly was playing video games.

“This was an extremely sad case and extremely unfortunate,” said Midland County Prosecutor J. Dee Brooks. “We did feel the defendant lacked the maturity and ability to provide adequate childcare.”

On May 17, 2022, Marsh drove his then-wife Isabelle to work for her 10 PM to 6 AM shift. Isabelle recalled how the baby wasn’t in the car when Marsh picked her up the following day. After coming home, she discovered her lifeless child lying in her crib and initially thought she was sick.

Following Marsh’s arrest, investigators noticed several “inconsistencies” relating to the order of events. For instance, Marsh claimed that he checked the crib at some point during the night. However, he’d later retract that statement in a follow-up interview.

This isn’t the only video game-related crime that’s involved children as of late. For example, a woman shot her 17-year-old son several times in the heat of an argument about a video game console. Fortunately, the child survived the multiple gunshot wounds.