Man delivers McDonald’s worker flowers after making her cry with viral prank

Lauren Lewis
mom preps 80 mcnuggets for her son

A man recently called up their local McDonald’s and made a worker cry after pranking them. He promptly delivered a bunch of flowers to make up for it but the whole thing has left fans divided. 

In a video posted to their Instagram account, alexbironcomedy, decided to prank call their local McDonald’s restaurant.

The female worker can be heard saying, “So, our ice machine is actually broken, and you’re talking about an ice cream machine, which means this is a prank,” having figured out that he was making the story up.

He tried to continue with the prank, playfully stating “Ice-creamery,” the worker, however, was less than impressed. “Seriously man?” she asks him before stating that the ice cream machine works “perfectly fine.” 

The prankster responds: “Wow, well that’s the first time ever for McDonald’s.” She then continues to say “We are so busy, please refrain from doing this. I’m going to cry in this store,” her voice clearly trembling as she says goodbye. 

Alex, the prankster, says: “I actually feel bad, shall I do something nice for her?” The frame then cuts to him speaking to the woman in question, pretending to be a delivery man. “They said to buy flowers, a 30-dollar Starbucks card, and candy, then give it to this McDonald’s.

He states that there was a note on there saying “Sorry for the ice machine,” the worker then has her moment of realization, and bursts into tears, laughing and saying, “That’s for me!”

Commenters divided by man’s gesture after prank call

In the video’s comments section, fans were delighted by the pranksters’ gesture, and said: “That’s super nice of you bro, good comeback.”

Another stated, “What a nice guy”, and “I love these types of human interactions.” Some found the girl’s reaction super humorous, saying: ‘Her initial response was so funny.”

However, others were quick to assert that the gesture didn’t make up for the man’s initial prank, which some thought was made in bad humor. 

One states: “Just because you give them a present, doesn’t make it okay.” Another concurred: “I mean, it’s good that you turned it around in the end, but let’s stop messing with fast food and retail workers. Low wages, sh*t hours, sh*t jobs, and now having to deal with people messing with them? Stop punching down.”

Those comments got plenty of support too, as many others agreed that it’s not funny to prank those working in the retail and fast-food industry. 

Despite this outpouring in the comments section, Alex has yet to respond to people’s concerns.