Man who went viral for eating paint he thought was yoghurt dies aged 92

Lauren Lewis
Viral paint grandad

An elderly man who became a viral sensation for eating paint he mistook for yogurt has died aged 92, and it’s prompted an outpouring of love from the internet. 

Gaining internet fame in 2019, a grandad became a viral icon after his granddaughter posted an amusing video of him eating what he thought was yogurt, but actually turned out to be paint. 

This caused massive hilarity on the internet, and quickly saw the 92-year-old become a prominent online figure. Bobby eventually set up his own Instagram account, where he shared videos with fans about some of the amusing things that had happened to him. 

His Instagram bio reads, “Retired psychiatrist, yogurt connoisseur, and your grandma’s favorite meme.”

Bobby’s granddaughter shared that he died in his sleep back in June. In her statement, she wrote:

“And though he’s missed tremendously, he really did live a long, happy, healthy & fulfilling life as a doctor, musician, father, and grandfather. He loved nothing more than to make people laugh, so having the internet as his audience truly meant the world to him.” 

“Huge thanks to everyone who’s supported Bobby boy over the years — I’m confident you guys will keep his legend alive.”

Outpouring of comments from fans

Many of Bobby’s fans were extremely saddened to hear about his death, after following his internet journey for years. 

“This is the worst news I could’ve possibly received today. My heart is with your family, and I hope there is peace in knowing he brought joy and laughter to so many people,” one said.

Some suspected that something was amiss after he’d not posted for a while, commenting: “I was thinking about Bobby just the other day wondering if he was alive.”

Many also reminisced about what Bobby’s videos brought to their lives, and their memories of him: “RIP Bobby the goat. Core memory of my teen years was watching the videos of him being posted, always making me laugh and smile.”

Another commented affectionately: “In loving memory of Grandpa, I have eaten a full pint of his favorite paint.”

It’s certain that Bobby will be missed by the vast social media following he gathered over the years.