Michael Bisping threatens Logan Paul after claiming he’d beat him: “I’ll tear your head off”

Connor Bennett
Michael Bisping and Logan Paul talking to camera

UFC legend Michael Bisping threatened to “tear” Logan Paul’s head off after the YouTuber claimed he could beat Bisping in a fight. 

Even though he hasn’t got a perfect boxing record after losing to KSI and hasn’t fought in quite some time, Logan Paul still has the confidence that he could beat pretty much anyone. ‘The Maverick’ did manage to take Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather to a draw, but that bout was contested as an exhibition.

Like his brother Jake, Logan has backed himself to beat quite a few fighters from the Mixed Martial Arts world as well, including Michael ‘The Count’ Bisping.

That happened on Bobby Lee’s Tigerbelly podcast, and Logan didn’t just back himself in a boxing match against Bisping, but believes he could beat him in a backyard or street fight as well. 

Michael Bisping bites back at Logan Paul’s claim he’d beat him in fight

Well, those comments got onto the former UFC Champion’s radar as he addressed it during the January 6 episode of his Bisping & Smith podcast. 

“Bobby Lee is throwing names at Logan Paul and whether or not he’d beat them in a fight, and he goes Michael Bisping, oh yeah I’d beat him,” Bisping said, noting that Logan called him “old” to boot. 

“I am old, bro, Logan Paul, you f*cking don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m not going to sit here and say I’m very, very hard and tough, but the path we’ve been on, come on, it’s a different path,” he added. “Bro, you don’t want to be f*cking locked down a dark alley with me after I’ve had six cans of Sapporo. I will tear your f*cking head off, Logan Paul.”

Timestamp of 1:15:50


Bisping did credit Logan for being an “entertainer” but noted that he’d be “arrested for manslaughter” if the pair ever did get into a fight. 

It is a fight that is unlikely to happen either inside the ring or out of it, seeing as Bisping has a long-term eye injury and won’t get cleared.