Taco restaurant uses OnlyFans models in risque food ads and customers are grossed out

Michael Gwilliam
onlyfans models in taco restaurant ad

A Taco restaurant is grossing customers out by usng OnlyFans models in risque ads, but the owner is refusing to back down.

Beefy Birrias in Australia has taken “sex sells” to the extreme by hiring a couple of OnlyFans models to advertise the restaurant’s menu in a variety of bizarre images.

In early August, the Beefy Birrias Instagram account began testing the waters by posting a couple of mature ads featuring OnlyFans stars ‘Millyonaire’ and Sanchez ‘The Bartender’ Rodreguez.

The first couple of images had the couple posing and eating food, but things soon escalated, using beer bottles and tacos to simulate sexual actions. It wasn’t long before ads featured the two eating food off each other, leaving potential customers disgusted.

Customers disgusted by taco restaurant’s OnlyFans ads

Potential customers were quick to voice their displeasure, with some even suspecting the account had been hacked.

“I’m sorry but is this a joke?” one asked. “I hope your Birria Tacos aren’t this tasteless.”

“This had got to be weirdest way to destroy your own business that I’ve ever seen,” another blasted.

onlyfans models at beefy birrias
One of the tamer images from the Beefy Birrias Instagram.

“Yeah this is a turn off and just gross. Does not encourage anyone to buy. Wonder how long before account is shut down by Insta,” someone else pondered.

As for the reason why the restaurant has turned to such imagery, well, according to owner Jamie Wimmer, the answer is simple: “sex sells.”

“I want to keep pushing the boundaries,” he told The Advertiser. “I’m a little bit disappointed in humanity. We’ve received a lot of emails. If you have time to write an email, you have time to read a book. I just brush it off.”

As such, it doesn’t seem like Wimmer will be backing down anytime soon and it sounds like the ads are only going to get more extreme from here, even if people stop showing up to eat tacos.

“Everyone has sex. If you’re not having sex, I feel sorry for you,” he added, dismissing any criticism.

This isn’t the first time OnlyFans and restaurants have crossed paths. Last year, a model’s bizarre IHop cosplay resulted in the pancake chain taking legal action.