Tfue roasts Fortnite console players after Turbo Building nerf

David Purcell

Turner ‘Fortnite Battle Royale‘s console players after seeing that Epic Games had nerfed the game’s Turbo Building feature. 

The fast building feature was overhauled much to the dissatisfaction of fans on August 27, with the introduction of the v10.20 patch, but soon faced stern criticism from members of the game’s online community who called for those tweaks to be reverted. 

While many players were delighted to see that Epic answered their prayers and reversed their decision just a day later, it’s fair to say that Tfue was landing some heavy shots on the console community before the news broke.

Reddit, u/KevinIdentityTurbo Building was nerfed in Fortnite’s v10.20 patch, but its effects didn’t last long.

Posting to his official Twitter account on August 28, the former FaZe Clan member first tweeted: “I feel for controller players this update,” before following that up with another cheeky comment. 

He added: “At least aim assist didn’t get nerfed,” referencing the fact that players using Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and even Nintendo Switch are given the option of a slight improvement in shooting accuracy – a feature that has had its fair share of problems over time. 

Tfue has previously joked about the impact of Fortnite‘s Aim Assist feature on console, after giving it a try back in July, claiming that console gamers find it “too hard” to manually lock their crosshairs on targets.

Now, he will presumably be delighted to know that PC players have managed to retain one of the most effective building mechanics, even if those on console still have the aiming feature at their disposal. 

Epic Games claimed that their initial change to Turbo Building was to prevent spam builds and encourage more “deliberate” gameplay in that sense. 

However, following a viral campaign to have the changes they made reversed, which included criticisms from Tyler ‘Ninja Blevins, Ali ‘Myth’ Kabbani, and many more streamers, they finally obliged and Tfue – at least from his tweets – seems delighted by the move. 

Whether or not Epic intends to make further changes to the mechanic in the future remains to be seen, but if they do, console players will be at the ready to get one over on Tfur – that’s for sure.  

About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: