“Train Karen” fired after viral drunken confrontation with NYC tourists

Michael Gwilliam
train karen rants about immigrants

A drunken woman dubbed a “train Karen” has been identified and fired from her job after she lashed out at German tourists in a viral video.

30-year-old Brianna Pinnix has been sacked from her recruitment job at Capital Rx after a wild video surfaced where she got into a heated confrontation with Germans visiting New York City.

The viral footage made rounds earlier in October when the woman began freaking out at passengers on a train while her boyfriend tried to de-escalate the situation, even threatening to break up with her if she didn’t stop.

During the feud, the seemingly drunk Pinnix demanded the Germans, “get the f**k out of our country” and shouted, “let’s not let immigrants take up our country.”

Train Karen sacked after viral rant against immigrants

According to The Daily Mail, Pinnix was a senior talent acquisition specialist at Capital Rx, but lost her job almost immediately after her rant exploded online.

“Our company has a zero-tolerance policy around prejudicial or discriminatory behavior. After conducting a review of the circumstances, we acted immediately and terminated the employee in question,” Capital Rx said in a statement.


“The former employee’s actions and words are not representative of Capital Rx, and we offer our sincerest apology to those who were hurt.”

Despite the woman’s antics, the German tourists never retaliated and remained in good spirits, although one did get out of their seat defensively when the Karen put her hands on him.

It’s not clear what caused the woman’s drunken outburst or if her partner ended up leaving her as a result of this whole ordeal.

New Jersey Transit has condemned the behavior and encourages others to report incidents like this to staff and crew members.

This isn’t the first time a Karen’s antics have caused trouble onboard transportation. Back in January, a woman was exposed and kicked off a flight for hoping all passengers “crash and die.”