What does KLM mean on Snapchat?

Kawter Abed
Phone next to the Snapchat logo

While using Snapchat or other popular messaging apps, you may have come across the slang term ‘KLM.’ But what does it mean? Here’s everything to know.

Social media platform Snapchat is known for its fleeting messages and creative filters, but it’s also become a breeding ground for new slangs and expressions.

Slang terms and acronyms are used by millions of users on a daily basis, often to convey messages quickly and make it easier to talk to people on the app. But if you’re out of the loop, a lot of these can be hard to understand.

When using Snapchat, or other platforms such as WhatsApp or Instagram, you may have at some point come across the term ‘KLM.’ Here’s everything you need to know about what it means.

Snapchat logo yellow background

KLM meaning on Snapchat

KLM is another way of saying ‘Calm,’ which is slang for “fine,” “cool,” or “okay.” The term embodies a sense of relaxation or acceptance and is often used in casual, informal contexts.

There are many ways to use this versatile acronym. For example, if someone asks, “How was your day?” a response using this slang could be, “It was KLM, just chilled at home.” This implies that the day was fine or uneventful in a relaxed way.

Another example could be in response to a plan or suggestion, where a friend might reply, “Yeah, that’s KLM with me,” indicating that they are cool or okay with the proposal.

The term was first used on Snapchat in the early 2010s, and has since made its way to numerous other social media apps, including Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, TikTok, and many more.

If there are any other terms and phrases you don’t know the meaning of, you can check out our guide here to learn all about Snapchat’s most popular slang.