What does WUU2 mean on Snapchat?

Kawter Abed
Snapchat logo next to person holding phone.

While using Snapchat, or other popular messaging apps, you might have come across the term WUU2. But what exactly does it mean? Here’s what you need to know.

Snapchat continues to be one of the biggest social media apps out there, thanks to its unique ephemeral messaging and multimedia sharing capabilities.

Like many other social media platforms, Snapchat is full of different slang terms and acronyms that people use every day for quick and casual conversations on the app.

If you’re an avid user, you may have at some point come across the term ‘WUU2,’ whether that’s in someone else’s story, or in a message sent directly to you. Here’s everything you need to know about what it means, and when it’s used.

Snapchat logo on a phone

WUU2 meaning on Snapchat

On Snapchat, WUU2 stands for ‘What You Up To?’ It’s a casual and informal way of asking someone what they are doing at that moment. The versatile phrase can be used to initiate a conversation, show interest in someone’s activities, or simply keep a chat lively.

For example, if someone wants to start a conversation but doesn’t have a specific topic in mind, sending “WUU2?” can be an effective way to engage the other person.

Alternatively, if a user notices a friend posting an interesting or unusual snap, they might respond with “WUU2?” as a way to inquire more about the friend’s current activity or situation.

Although it often pops up on Snapchat, the term was not created on the platform, and you may see it used across a whole range of different social media apps including Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, TikTok, and more.

If there are any other terms and phrases that you don’t know the meaning of, you can check out our guide here to learn all about Snapchat’s most popular slang.