Woman joins OnlyFans after 5 years of bricklaying content and now makes $20K a month

Meera Jacka
Woman joins OnlyFans after 5 years of bricklaying content and now makes $20K a month

A woman looking to “shake the hornet’s nest” started an OnlyFans account after five years of posting bricklaying content and the switch has evidently paid off.

With over 190 million registered users, OnlyFans has become a popular option for those looking to make some extra bank.

That was the case for 28-year-old Darcie Richards, who had built a platform posting bricklaying content, a skill she had learned from her dad.

Feeling that her content was getting stale, however, Darcie decided it was time to take a new direction and spice things up with OnlyFans.

“I thought, ‘I want to make more money. What could I do that’s gonna absolutely shake the hornet’s nest?’” Darcie told the New York Post. “So I thought I’ll start myself an OnlyFans page.”

And the move has been worthwhile, with Darcie bringing in approximately $20,000 a month through the adult site alone. Not to mention, her best week on OnlyFans saw Darcie earn $12,340.

Nonetheless, the switch to adult content hasn’t been without its troubles and Darcie has had to deal with plenty of hate comments. One person even wrote on her Instagram; “Used to be a serious female construction influencer now resorting to this nonsense.”

Darcie responded, “I used to be a waitress too, and work in Subway, hairdressers, kitchen porter, furniture factory, animal sanctuary… what’s your point? Who said I have to stay in one profession and never leave or try [to] run my own business or work for myself or earn more money….?”

Darcie bricklaying
Not all of Darcie’s followers have been happy about her move away from bricklaying content.

Despite some backlash, Darcie said she has learned to block out the hate. And the young bricklayer turned OnlyFans creator has her mom’s support.

“Darcie hasn’t changed a single bit in herself. She’s still our daughter, she’s still exactly the same as what she was before,” Darcie’s mom told the New York Post. “Except she’ll disappear into her bedroom for three or four hours, then [make] five times as much as the boys who have been slogging it out on the building site.”

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