FF7 Rebirth fans are playing Queen’s Blood for hours instead of stopping Sephiroth

Christopher Baggett

Fans of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth are spending hours upon hours playing the game’s latest card game, Queen’s Blood, as opposed to stopping Sephiroth.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth fans are excitedly exploring the game’s rich narrative, which sees Cloud Strife and his allies on the hunt for Sephiroth, a former hero who wants to destroy the world.

The game has a massive run time and isn’t even the complete story, with Rebirth serving as the middle chapter of a trilogy remaking and expanding on the narrative of the original beloved classic.

But Rebirth also includes a ton of mini-games, for better or for worse, and those same fans are finding they’re spending more time than they expected with one in particular.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth players want to play Queen’s Blood instead of the story

Riding the high of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s release, Square Enix decided to ask fans how they felt about the latest mini-game, Queen’s Blood.

“Are you enjoying Queen’s Blood?” Square Enix asked in a tweet and on a matching Facebook post. “Share some of your best game-winning cards and strategies with us.”

What the posts got were floods of replies from fans who are in love with Queen’s Blood, hailing it as the best mini-game to date in a Final Fantasy game.

“It is always the first thing I look to complete when I opena new region.” one user on Facebook said. “I have a ton of fun with it and the strategies are actually a lot of fun to think about.”

“I am hooked!” streamer BlondeLyns said on Twitter. “I have not lost a match yet. Don’t know what it is with FF card games but I get so addicted”

“It’s better than Fort Condor that’s for sure!” ThatGuyShiro replied, referencing the strategy mini-game included in Rebirth.

Fans call for Square Enix to expand Queen’s Blood

It shouldn’t be a surprise, but there is one unanimous cry among fans: make Queen’s Blood bigger.

The number one request is for a PvP version of the game. In the current version of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you can only play Queen’s Blood against specific opponents at certain times.

But fans want more. Specifically, they want to play Queen’s Blood against their friends, either in a console PvP version of the game or a mobile app version.

“I need this as a stand alone game with vs. mode and the puzzle mode where the cards are already down.” user KutdownOnGaming said in their reply.

“Please release a mobile version of this game where we can play against other people! I need it!” another user, Genie_93, also pleaded.

Others are calling for a physical release of the game, but they may have a long wait before anything like that happens. Fans have asked for physical versions of other mini-games from Final Fantasy, like Triple Triad or Tetra Master, for years now to no avail.

Queen’s Blood is available now, alongside a plethora of other mini-games, including Fort Condor, Wild Run, and more, in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, which also includes a character-driven adventure based on the classic 1997 JRPG.