FFXIV players called out for “uncouth” and “lewd” behavior involving squishy grapes

Liam Ho
Person Dress as a grape at FFXIV Fan Fest

Final Fantasy XIV players have been called out for “uncouth” and suspicious behavior involving the recently gifted squishy grapes at the Las Vegas FanFest.

Final Fantasy XIV has one of the most active communities an MMORPG can offer. An incredibly passionate player base that adores the characters, locations, and stories the game has in store. This shared love for the title has brought together a community that supports one another and is the perfect ground to make friends. Many players have made lifelong friends within the MMO, even transcending past the limits of the virtual game.

One of the best opportunities for players to meet their online friends is through the various FanFests held around the world. These conventions are all about Final Fantasy XIV and players hail from all over to attend. FFXIV developers Square Enix are more than prepared to welcome their players with goodies and memorabilia from the game as well.

One such item recently given to players was the iconic low poly grapes found in the Endwalker expansion. These were given as a form of squishy stress toy, perfect for those who can’t contain their excitement for the new Dawntrail expansion. However certain players have found other uses for these toys, in manners far less wholesome than intended.

FFXIV attendee finds suspicious sign about FanFest grapes

A FFXIV Fan Fest attendee spotted this notice on one of the bathroom stall doors. The sign reminds the attendees of the convention that the gifts given are purely for observational purposes.

“Due to recent reports of incidents in which patrons engaged in uncouth behavior with the low-res grape plush memorabilia around the public restrooms, we feel it is our duty to remind our guests that these gifts are for observing and admiring, not fornicating,” the sign reads.

Many were uncertain if the sign was made by the event hosts or by a fan, but that uncertainty was more than telling for much of the FFXIV community.

However, now that FanFest 2023 has finally finished, players are free to take their many gifts home and use them however they please.