“Aggresive” Starbucks customer under fire for lashing out at barista over sandwich order

Lauren Lewis
Starbucks Logo

An “aggressive” customer lashed out at  Starbucks barista who she told repeatedly that she wasn’t making a sandwich to her liking. 

The Starbucks barista has taken to social media to share an experience they claim to have had with a demanding customer who was super picky about how her sandwich was made — and things got very heated. 

“I had an older lady come by today who, completely ignoring our cashier and talking directly to me, the one making drinks, demand I get her a sausage egg and cheese sandwich (I work at a WPS so we have different food than corporate stores) but she didn’t want the cheese and she wanted ‘the sausage toasted, not the outside of the buns’.

The barista claimed that she peeled off the cheese, to which the customer responded “Just leave it on if you can’t do it quickly, I’m late!”

The older woman apparently snapped at her once again that “‘the insides can’t touch the bottom of the toaster.”

“She then demands I double toast it, but before the first cycle is even done she’s complaining about how late she’s going to be and how long it’s taking to toast the sandwich.”

Finally, the barista handed over the sandwich and the customer immediately complained that the outside of the bun was toasted but she’ll just have to take it anyways because she’s so late. 

“I’m still confused about what she expected me to do, break the laws of reality and thermodynamics to instantly toast her sausage without putting it in the toaster upside down? Help? She asks other Redditors, clearly perplexed by the whole situation. 

People outraged by “aggressive” customer

After the post was made on the platform, people couldn’t wait to weigh in and share their opinions on the “aggressive” customer. 

“Lmao whenever I have someone come up to me on bar demanding their sandwich/pastry I always tell them. ‘yeah THEY are working on your food so it should be coming out soon’ like brother can you not see I’m solo baring drive mobile and cafe and I just handed your drink out,” one shared. 

“If she was running that late and can’t even wait two minutes for food to be toasted the way she wants it, she should worry more about getting to work and not getting Starbucks on the way,” another clapped back. 

“I hate when they expect their food right after having a drink handed off to them! I’m sorry, do you see me at an oven with food fridges/pastries next to me?”

Another Starbucks barista went viral after she compiled a list of the most annoying thing customers do.