Customer “heated” after Trader Joe’s ramen cup is barely full

Molly Byrne
small portion trader joe's ramen noodles

A woman was heavily heated after finding that her Trader Joe’s ramen cup was barely full. 

TikToker Aiyanna described herself to her 99k followers as a “loyal” Trader Joe’s customer.

However, that may not be the case after her most recent purchase of its store-brand ramen noodle cup.

Though she was anticipating a warm, full cup of ramen, Aiyanna was put in her place when she opened her rather tiny portion.

Viewers thought cup of ramen noodles was “ball of rubber bands”

Aiyanna was “heated” when she opened her cup of ramen noodles from Trader Joe’s.

Unlike other noodle cups that fill to the top before even adding water, the Trader Joe’s ramen cup was near-empty.

All that was inside was a small ball of dried ramen noodles that Aiyanna may now wish she hadn’t spent her money on.

In her now-viral TikTok, where she exposed the small portion size, Aiyanna also told Trader Joe’s to “stop” playing with her before she got “mad.” However, it was truly too late.

Although viewers of Aiyanna’s TikTok understood where she was coming from, many people mocked the small cup of ramen noodles.

“That lil ball of rubber bands,” wrote one user.

“That’s one fork twist,” penned another.

One viewer also expressed a similar experience, “The first time I got Trader Joe’s ramen was also my LAST time.”

Another Trader Joe’s customer added, “I bought this ONCE. It doesn’t even taste good.”

Though Aiyanna didn’t specify if she’ll buy Trader Joe’s ramen noodle cup again, odds are, it’s a no.