Man attacks Circle K cashier with chocolate egg and jumps counter to punch him

Lauren Lewis
Chocolate mini egg

In a completely chaotic attack where a Circle K cashier was attacked by a chocolate egg, a man has since been arrested for the incident. Here are the details. 

In an event that transpired at a Circle K convenience store, John Mehas, the attacker, grabbed a chocolate egg to use as a weapon against a cashier. The blow struck him in the middle of his forehead, but things were far from over. 

After hitting the victim with the egg, Mehas jumped over the counter, and began to assault the cashier even further. The police said that first he pushed him, before going on to punch the worker square in the face. 

Mehas admitted his crime to police and was arrested for battery. He was taken into the county jail and later posted a $1,000 bond.

Why did the chocolate egg assault happen? 

John Mehas

Considering the bizarre nature of the attack, it leads you to wonder why such an event transpired in the first place. 

Apparently, it’s because Riordan, the cashier, attempted to help Mehas while he stood in line by ringing up his items and reducing the amount of time he needed to wait. 

This didn’t go to plan however, and instead of accepting the cashier’s help, he went to ring out his items at another counter. 

After his items were done scanning, this is when he “threw a chocolate egg towards the victim hitting him in the forehead.”