McDonald’s customer loses it over new drinks with “sippy cup lid”

Dylan Horetski
tiktoker hits out at restaurants lack of straws

A McDonald’s customer has taken to TikTok to share his thoughts about the fast-food company slowly phasing out straws and offering “sippy cup lids” instead.

Over the last few years, company’s across various industries have found ways to reduce their impact on the enviroment in all aspects of their business.

Many fast food restaurants around the world have joined in the movement, with many opting for straw-free lids on their fountain drinks like you would find on coffee and other hot beverages.

TikToker lorddutcher took to the app to share his thoughts about the change, and he’s not happy.

McDonald’s customer loses it over “sippy cup lids”

In the now viral clip, the man hit out at McDonald’s and other restaurants for not including straws with their drinks.

“I don’t know what establishments need to hear this, but if I get a drinky drink from you… give me a god da*n straw,” he said. “I shouldn’t have to ask for one.”

“I don’t care that you invented this little sippy cup. This doesn’t slap unless it comes from a straw, okay?”

Users took to the comments to share their thoughts about the rant, with many agreeing that company’s shouldn’t force users away from straws.

“This is me at Dunkin,” one user replied.

Another said: “And that’s why the center console of my car has 14,000 straws.”

“Starbucks make you BEG for a straw these days. Like ma’am, this cup of iced bean water was $5, put those 2¢ straws on the gd counter,” a third commented.