Pizza Hut worker reveals her bizarre reaction to being held at gunpoint for a pizza

Lauren Lewis
Pizza hut restaurant

A former Pizza Hut worker shared the most traumatic thing that happened to them while they were on shift – being held at gunpoint – and her unexpected reaction.

“It’s a real short story about the time I got robbed at gunpoint,” the Pizza Hut staff member Savannah said, in a TikTok video.

She explains that she pulled up to an apartment complex, where she was told that she’d be paid in cash. The worker felt a sense of unease, as the place was oddly dark.

“I think it was a setup because it was all very convenient. It was a cash order, it was too poorly lit, the apartment was completed, and the guy was waiting for me when I got there,” Savannah said.

Suddenly, a man jumped out from behind a pillar at her, before proceeding to put the gun to her head and telling her to hand over the pizza. 

“Thankfully, he didn’t ask for anything else because I had cash in my pocket. I had my AirPods, my phone like he could have gotten away with a lot more, but he just wanted the food,” she told viewers. 

Still on autopilot, Savannah had a somewhat bizarre reaction, and proceeded to ask them if they wanted the receipt as they left, to which they replied “no.”

Reaction to Pizza Hut worker being robbed at gunpoint

After the video was posted on the platform, people were shocked to hear of the woman’s traumatic experience. 

“NO not the receipt. Honestly though glad you’re okay,” one concerned viewer wrote. 

Savannah wrote to viewers herself in the comments section: “This is my favorite story to tell people about my time working at Pizza Hut. I tell everyone this story. I’m scared people will think I’m lying because of how RIDICULOUS my reaction was. 

“But you know how you’re like ‘I want to know how I would react in X situation,’ well now I know.”

A Burger King worker also went viral this month, after a man shot them in a fight over Whopper with “extra cheese.