Starbucks customer roasted by baristas for “nasty” coffee order

Lauren Lewis
Starbucks cup

A Starbucks customer asked on Reddit whether or not her coffee order was too elaborate, and baristas fired at her for her “nasty” coffee order. 

A woman took to Reddit to ask the baristas on Starbucks thread, whether or not her order was difficult to prepare, and explained this had been something she’d only been questioning recently. 

“Had never really questioned my typical order until yesterday when my daughter laughed at me for being ‘extra,’ so I figured I’d get some barista input,” she begins. 

“I almost always order a venti blonde vanilla latte, 10 pumps of vanilla, cold but no ice, occasionally, I will add a quad shot. 98% of the time, I order on the app, so it will print the order. Is it bad?”

Starbucks Baristas weigh in on woman’s coffee order

After the post was made on Reddit, it quickly went viral, and Starbucks baristas far and wide commented on the woman’s coffee order. 

“This is a genuine question, I promise that I’m not trying to be passive aggressive at all even though it may come off that way, I just don’t know how else to ask this – but, how is the latte meant to get cold if there’s no ice? 

“The espresso makes the milk pretty warm. Do you want us to like… add ice & then fish it out with a spoon?” one asked, followed by a crying emoji. 

“So you pay $7+ every morning to drink a lukewarm beverage with 255mg – 340mg of caffeine and 60+g of sugar?” another asked, clearly baffled by the woman’s choice of beverage. 

“Just reading this gave me contact diabetes,” one wrote. 

“That sh*t is nasty,” another user on the platform told the woman.

“Honey, how are you not diabetic with a heart condition? Jesus!” a fellow customer asked. 

However, several people defended her order, writing: “It’s not difficult, but dang, 10 pumps?! Maybe try adding Splenda so you’re not consuming so much sugar!”

“It’s not bad at all! You order it because you like it! I’d maybe get it with a little bit of ice just to make sure it’s cold but that’s my personal preference. Go forth and enjoy your drink!” another said.

Another Starbucks customer went viral, when they destroyed the store’s display, claiming staff weren’t listening to her.