Can you play Forza Motorsport on Steam Deck?

Kurt Perry
Several GT race cars pulling of of pits in Forza Motorsport.

Not sure if Forza Motorsport is playable on Steam Deck? We’ve got you covered with this guide breaking down if Microsoft’s new hit racing game runs on Valve’s handheld PC.

It’s early days but Forza Motorsport has already proven itself to be a technical marvel with its gorgeous ray tracing and spectacular environments.

Even if some car models leave a lot to be desired there are certainly more positives than negatives. But with all those shiny visuals there are concerns that the Steam Deck won’t be able to handle it.

We’re here to answer whether Forza Motorsport runs on Valve’s handheld PC or if this AAA racing game is better played on more powerful, dedicated hardware.

Can Forza Motorsport be played on Steam Deck?

The short answer is no, you cannot play Forza Motorsport on Steam Deck. It is not listed as a Steam Deck Verified title meaning there is no official support.

Players are reporting that when they try to open up Forza on the Steam Deck it boots into the splash screen and then immediately crashes.

Some fans have had luck getting Forza Motorsport to run on Steam Deck with Windows installed. With this setup, Forza hits 30 FPS but suffers from significant frame skips and visual glitches.

GT cars racing with Corvette pushed against wall by Porsche in Forza Motorsport
Forza Motorsport’s intense racing action isn’t available on Steam Deck, at least not for the time being.

Given these problems, it’s best to stick to PC and the Xbox Series X/S for the time being. Those wanting to play Forza Motorsport on the go will have to wait until official support is added.

That’s everything you need to know about if you can play Forza Motorsport on Steam Deck. Check out some of our other content for more Forza tips:

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