Dragon’s Dogma 2 players urge others not to go out at night

Michelle Cornelia
A screenshot featuring a Dragon's Dogma 2 character

If you’re thinking of going out at night in Dragon’s Dogma 2, these are some of the game-changing things that can happen to you.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 throws a lot at you. Aside from completing dangerous tasks, solving riddles, and constantly checking if your pawn is ‘healthy,’ you’ll also eventually come across nighttime in the game, where things become a lot more sinister.

Veteran players are no strangers when it comes to this. But those who just started picking up the game and attempting to carry on their journey regardless of the time of day may want to take notes from these players’ experiences.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 players have gathered together in a Reddit thread titled “PSA: When they say don’t go out at night. DON’T,” to give heed to those who think they’d be invincible in the game at night.

One player wrote: “I was coming back from Harve, only maybe 5 hours into the game. Night starts to fall right as I come off the beach. I kill two saurians; more are coming. The stampede of their feet sounds like drumbeats.”

What started with five enemies quickly grew to 15. First, their sorcerer went down, and by the time they knew it, others went down one by one even though they kept running.

Seeing this, players in the comments couldn’t help but also share what they had gotten through when they tried to challenge the night.

One player claimed they found a black dragon in the forest at night. Suddenly, they heard it say: “Face me, Arisen,” and without a second thought, they ran away. 

“…my character’s heartbeat was sounding on the screen like crazy. I ran away. It was actually scary since it came out of nowhere!”

Another player said they learned their lesson the hard way. They mentioned that they “stupidly thought” it’d be a “fantastic idea” to walk from Melve to the Capital after a quest to get extra experience. 

Though it started with some “easy goblins and harpies” as well as “tough bandits” during the day, things quickly took a dark turn after seeing the sunset.

“The game decided to show me just how bad I f****ed up by dumping a battle royale on my *** as at one point I’m suddenly in the middle of a huge battle between goblins, harpies, and skeletons, who proceed to kill me plenty of times,” they explained.

Additionally, a different user admitted they made a “rookie mistake” for ignoring the chance to camp before dark. “Now I’m in a fight with a Cyclops, and I can’t see S***. Also turned the brightness down on my TV cause my girlfriend is sleeping… I’m so f***ed.”

Seeing that Dragon’s Dogma 2 only lets you have one save, players must be extra careful, especially since Autosave can rewrite the manual save file.