How old are Overwatch 2 Heroes? Character ages and history

Andrew Highton
dva posing in overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 introduces new Heroes, expanded lore, and refreshed characters that continue to captivate fans around the globe. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll reveal the ages of all the Overwatch 2 characters, as well as their names, helping you understand each Hero’s experience and history.

Age brings wisdom, skill, and unique quirks to every hero in Overwatch 2. Whether it’s the youthful energy of D.Va or the veteran status of Reinhardt, each character’s age reveals a facet of their personality and backstory, further deepening the engaging world of Overwatch.

Armed with this knowledge, players can dive into the game’s battlefield with newfound insight, ready to unlock each hero’s full potential. If you’ve ever been curious as to how old your favorite Heroes are in Overwatch 2, then sit back, and let us take you through each and every character.

overwatch 2 characters together

How many characters are there in Overwatch 2?

At this time, there is now an astounding 39 characters in Overwatch 2! From day one of the original Overwatch to Blizzard’s Overwatch 2, there has been a huge evolution in the series’ Heroes. It’s confirmed that new characters are going to keep coming, so we’ll be sure to update this guide when any new Heroes are added.

Who is the youngest Overwatch 2 character?

Orisa is the youngest character in Overwatch 2. We can imagine your mind is blown right now, but that’s the reality of the matter. The youthful exuberance of D.Va as a young streamer typically evokes the opinion that she is the youngest character in the game, but alas, that’s not the case.

Who is the oldest Overwatch 2 character?

Added in 2019, Sigma is still the oldest character in Overwatch 2. The all-powerful Tank Hero just edges out Reinhardt as the franchise’s old-timer. Who knows what Blizzard has in the pipeline as there’s every chance that a new older Hero could come along and hoist the crown aloft.

How old is Ana in Overwatch 2?

ana in overwatch 2

It may surprise many to learn that Ana is 62 years old and is one of the oldest members of the Overwatch 2 roster. Ana was born on January 1st. Don’t let her age fool you though, Ana is deadly accurate with her Biotic Rifle and Sleep Darts. Ana Amari previously carried the moniker of the “greatest sniper in the world” – but we’re sure Widowmaker and Ashe have something to say about that. Speaking of which…

How old is Ashe in Overwatch 2?

ashe in overwatch 2

Born on October 1st, at 41 years old, Ashe is an experienced marksman with a penchant for Dynamite. Alongside her cohort B.O.B, Elizabeth Caledonia comes from a rich background and is the leader of the Deadlock Gang – one of the most feared in all the lands.

How old is Baptiste in Overwatch 2?

baptiste in overwatch 2

Our trusty Support Hero Baptiste is 38 years old, being born on March 12th. Hailing from Haiti, Jean-Baptiste Augustin is a former member of Talon – an evil terrorist organization in the Overwatch 2 universe. He’s reformed now and works tirelessly to provide handy aid wherever needed.

How old is Bastion in Overwatch 2?

bastion in overwatch 2

It’s sometimes easy to disassociate Bastion and the concept of age, but at 32 years old, the combat unit has been through the wringer. Bastion was once a combat-driven attack unit designed to tackle the armies of humanity – now, Bastion prefers the tranquility and discovery of nature and has become a sidekick to Torbjorn.

How old is Brigitte in Overwatch 2?

brigitte in overwatch 2

On the youthful side of the spectrum, Brigitte is 25 years old, born on September 22. The Support Hero from Gothenburg Sweden, Brigitte Lindholm has an extensive armory of offensive and defensive tools. She tries her best to follow in the legacy of her father – Torbjorn – and her legendary godfather – Reinhardt.

How old is Cassidy in Overwatch 2?

cassidy in overwatch 2

A former member of both the Deadlock gang and Reaper’s Blackwatch, Cassidy is 39 years old, being born on July 31st, and has a keen eye for profit, as well as headshots. Cole Cassidy now operates on a strictly-for-hire basis and only undertakes the operations and assignments deemed right for himself.

How old is D.Va in Overwatch 2? in overwatch 2

At just 22 years old, D.Va was born on June 22nd. D.Va, AKA Hana Song, is definitely one of the youngest members of the Overwatch crew. When she’s not wreaking havoc in her automated mech, D.Va is wowing fans with her expert gaming ability back home.

How old is Doomfist in Overwatch 2?

doomfist in overwatch 2

Doomfist, AKA Akande Ogundimu, is 47 years old, born on May 25th, and is easily identifiable by his destructive Hand Cannon arms. The Nigerian-born lost his right arm as a result of the Omnic Crisis – a war between humans and their created robots. Not actually the OG Doomfist, Ogundimu inherited the title and persona when he killed the previous Doomfist when he was part of Talon.

How old is Echo in Overwatch 2?

echo in overwatch 2

Born or created on February 5th, Echo is currently 14 years old. They were developed by Dr. Mina Liao and after the doctor was killed, Echo was eventually found by Cassidy to join the Overwatch team.

How old is Genji in Overwatch 2?

genji in overwatch 2

Genji Shimada, more commonly referred to as Genji, is 37 years old, being born on October 28th. The cyborg is adept with Shurikens and his blade. He joined the Overwatch project after being rescued by them after shockingly being left for dead by his own brother – Hanzo.

How old is Hanzo in Overwatch 2?

hanzo in overwatch 2

Born on November 3rd, the 40-year-old Hanzo is the leader of the Shimada clan and is the very assailant who caused near-catastrophic injuries to his brother Genji. The incident scarred Hanzo Shimada who sought to adventure alone to discover himself, drowning in his own self-loathing, before eventually coming face-to-face with his forgiving brother who he thought was dead.

How old is Illari in Overwatch 2?

Illari Overwatch Closeup

Season 6 of Overwatch 2 brought new Peruvian support Illari. The youngest of the humans on the roster, Illari is currently 18 years old, being born December 18. The last of the Inti warriors, Illari uses the power of the sun to fire golden beams of damage upon her enemies, whilst keeping her allies alive with her trusty Healing Pylon.

How old is Junker Queen in Overwatch 2?

junker queen in overwatch 2

Junker Queen was born on June 14th and is currently 31 years old. Her presence in the Overwatch 2 universe is a relatively new one. We know that she’s a tall, powerful Tank character, and Odessa “Dez” Stone is the leader of Junkertown.

How old is Junkrat in Overwatch 2?

junkrat in overwatch 2

At just 29 years old Junkrat was born on February 29th. Junkrat has had plenty of time left on his side for more explosive behavior. Formerly a resident of Junkertown before being exiled, Jamison Fawkes has a partnership with Roadhog. Acting as his bodyguard due to Junkrat’s notoriety, the duo now seek anarchy across the lands.

How old is Kiriko in Overwatch 2?

kiriko in overwatch 2

Kiriko Kamori is a fresh-faced newcomer to Overwatch 2. Kiriko is currently 21 years old, being born on July 7th. The Japanese ninja, who trained alongside Genji and Hanzo, looks and talks like a younger individual, but fans and lore historians have raised questions about the legitimacy of this age bracket.

How old is Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2?

lifeweaver in overwatch 2

One of the newer additions to Blizzard’s Overwatch 2, Lifeweaver, is 31 years old, being born on April 28. His real name is Niran Pruksa Manee, the healer was roommates with Symmetra and has spent his time trying to perfect biolight to become a perfectionist and proficient in the art of healing others.

How old is Lucio in Overwatch 2?

lucio in overwatch 2

Carrying on the theme of healers, Lucio, everyone’s favorite tune-spitting Brazilian, is 28 years old, being born on March 20th. Known for his love of bass, beats, and bountiful healing, Lúcio Correia dos Santos is arguably the most famous celebrity in the realms of the universe and is also a passionate activist.

How old is Mauga in Overwatch 2?

Mauga in Overwatch 2

Mauga, Talon’s charismatic and cunning Samoan warrior is 37 years old, being boen on August 37. Before Baptiste’s departure from Talon, the two were good friends, going on several missions together. However, despite his friend’s leaving from the organization, Mauga still remains with Talon.

How old is Mei in Overwatch 2?

mei in overwatch 2

One of the most interesting stories has to be Mei – who is actually 42 years old but possesses the body of a 33-year-old woman. Mei-Ling Zhou, who was born on September 5th, cryogenically froze herself for nine years, much longer than anticipated, but eventually awoke and would join up with the Overwatch team.

How old is Mercy in Overwatch 2?

mercy in overwatch 2

One of the biggest icons in the whole Overwatch 2 franchise – Mercy is 39 years old and is actually called Dr. Angela Ziegler. Born on May 13th, the Swiss scientist is actually an orphan but persevered to become an expert in her field, one of Overwatch’s strongest members, and is also good friends with Ana and Soldier: 76.

How old is Moira in Overwatch 2?

moira in overwatch 2

At 50 years old, Moira published a controversial paper on genetics that deeply damaged the aspiring scientist’s dreams. Moira O’Deorain turned to Reaper’s Blackwatch faction to continue her work there before eventually moving on and joining forces with Talon. She was born on April 4th.

How old is Orisa in Overwatch 2?

orisa in overwatch 2

As we’ve mentioned, Orisa is actually the youngest character to feature in Overwatch 2 at 1 year old. Orisa was born on May 9th and is a true Hero, one that proved to be instrumental in the stabilizing and protection of the city of Numbani – even being recognized by OW2 newbie Sojourn.

How old is Pharah in Overwatch 2?

pharah in overwatch 2

The airborne artist Pharah was born on April 15 and is 34 years old and is the daughter of Ana. Pharah, AKA Fareeha Amari, masterminded her own security detail and has even served in the Egyptian Army. She eventually joined Helix Security International, before achieving her dream of joining Overwatch.

How old is Ramattra in Overwatch 2?

ramattra in overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 introduced several new characters to choose from, including Ramattra – who was born on March 29th, and is currently 28 years old. The mysterious figure became embroiled in the war with Overwatch and the dissolution of Null Sector has left Ramattra to contemplate the return of Null Sector.

How old is Reaper in Overwatch 2?

reaper in overwatch 2

The iconic-looking Reaper, known as Gabriel Reyes is 60 years old, and the deadly assassin is at the heart of much of Overwatch’s lore. A former Overwatch representative, Reyes was presumed dead, but we know this’s not the case. He became better known as Reaper, an extremely dangerous killer for Talon who now fights against his former organization. He was born on December 14.

How old is Reinhardt in Overwatch 2?

reinhardt in overwatch 2

In second place on the list of senior Overwatch 2 Heroes, Reinhardt is 63 years old, born on June 26th. The towering German Tank is an Overwatch founder, a man bound by loyalty, bravery, and a wide range of other noble qualities. Reinhardt Wilhelm came to the reunited Overwatch’s beck and call in a heartbeat to defend his comrades once more.

How old is Roadhog in Overwatch 2?

roadhog in overwatch 2

Junkrat’s enforcer, Roadhog, is 50 years old and is simply a giant monster. Roadhog was originally born on September 12th. Armed with a Chain Hook that can ensnare any unwitting foe, Mako Rutledge travels around causing chaos and trying to earn money – splitting a 50/50 cut with Junkrat. Roadhog is also wanted and the duo make an effective criminal tandem.

How old is Sigma in Overwatch 2?

sigma in overwatch 2

We arrive at our oldest Overwatch 2 Hero – Sigma, who is 64 years old, being born on March 15th. Another brilliant doctor in the universe, Dr. Siebren de Kuiper is of Dutch descent, and outside of gravity-controlling manipulation and working on the International Space Station, Sigma now works for Talon to pursue his intense, life-changing research even more, though it is suggested he’s being manipulated and does not know the damage he is causing the world.

How old is Sojourn in Overwatch 2?

sojourn in overwatch 2

Damage-Hero Sojourn is 47 in Overwatch 2, with her birthday on January 12th. Vivian Chase has gone from strength to strength throughout her life as she joined the Canadian Armed Forces, moved into the Special Forces, and eventually hooked up with Overwatch. The augmented soldier would eventually leave the institute following disagreements, and she now follows a nomad lifestyle.

How old is Soldier: 76 in Overwatch 2?

soldier 76 in overwatch 2

Another veteran in the Overwatch squad is Soldier: 76, and he’s 58 years old, being born on January 27th. Don’t let his age fool you though, Jack Morrison is still a very capable force to be reckoned with – which is why he was a Commander in Overwatch after all. Soldier: 76 now takes the identity of a vigilante hunting all of those who brought Overwatch to its knees in the first place.

How old is Sombra in Overwatch 2?

sombra in overwatch 2

Born on December 1st, at 32 years old Sombra is a hacking extraordinaire. Born as Olivia Colomar, she was yet another orphan due to the Omnic Crisis. She forged a successful career working for the Los Muertos but eventually had to go into hiding as a result of her actions. She would later reclassify herself as Sombra and would eventually join Talon due to her exceptional hacking skills, though her loyalties seem aligned with herself, rather than her employer.

How old is Symmetra in Overwatch 2?

symettra in overwatch 2

Born in India on October 2nd, Symmetra is 30 years old and Overwatch 2 users won’t have to blink twice to tell you have deadly she, and her Sentry Turrets, can be. Satya Vaswani is a long-standing member of the Vishkar Corporation and travels around the world rebuilding structures, and building new ones, all while using the power of hard-light manipulation.

How old is Torbjorn in Overwatch 2?

torbjorn in overwatch 2

Torbjörn Lindholm. AKA Torbjorn is 59 years old and the Swedish engineer is another founding member of Overwatch. Following the team’s original disbanding, Tobjorn left his daughter Brigitte to serve under the tutelage of Reinhardt, whereas Torbjorn would eventually stumble across a friendly Bastion unit and question his hated of robots and AI. Torbjorn’s birthday is on September 21st.

How old is Tracer in Overwatch 2?

tracer in overwatch 2

A marquee name and face in the Overwatch 2 franchise, Tracer is now 28 years old and the London-born Damage Hero is able to mess around with time travel. Lena Oxton was able to gain control of her powers, thanks to Overwatch leader Winston, and after meandering through life after Overwatch folded, their reuniting gave her true purpose once more and she would become an instrumental figure in the organization once more. Tracer was born on February 17th.

How old is Widowmaker in Overwatch 2?

widowmaker in overwatch 2

Widowmaker, the striking French Sniper, is 35 years old, being born on November 19th, and Amélie Lacroix is renowned for her stoic demeanor. She wasn’t always like this though, there was a time when she loved ballet, as well as her husband. Unfortunately, neural reprogramming caused Amélie to murder her husband, Gérard Lacroix, an Overwatch agent, and she now remains one of Talon’s deadliest propositions.

How old is Winston in Overwatch 2?

winston in overwatch 2

Outside of wielding a hefty Tesla Cannon and forming barriers, Winston is 31 years old and led the second coming of the Overwatch forces. As a scientifically created gorilla, the Hero’s name comes from his owner/scientist looking after him – Dr. Harold Winston. He’s intelligent and a great leader, and serves to protect. Winton’s Birthday is June 6th.

How old is Wrecking Ball in Overwatch 2?

wrecking ball in overwatch 2

16 years old, like Winston, scientific tinkering has resulted in Hammond going from being an everyday rodent to Wrecking Ball – an escapee from the Horizon Lunar Colony. Unlike Winston though, Wrecking Ball would land in Junker Town and use the escape pod to become an all-out battle robot to dominate in the town’s Scrapyard arena. Wrecking Ball aka Hammond was born on October 15th.

How old is Zarya in Overwatch 2?

zarya in overwatch 2

Aleksandra Zaryanova is a brute of a Tank and is also 30 years old, with a birthday of December 4th. Zarya is another one who had to endure the Omnic Crisis and channeled her experience of the war into something productive – bodybuilding. Her promising career was derailed when she joined the Russian Defense Forces in the wake of the attack from the Siberian omnium threat. She now continues to protect her home at all costs and is looked at as one of the country’s proudest heroes.

How old is Zenyatta in Overwatch 2?

zenyatta in overwatch 2

Zenyatta, born on July 14th, being 33 years old does take some fans by surprise, but the Omnic monk roams the planet seeking to protect and intervene to help those in need. Zenyatta spent a lot of time at the Shambali Monastery and would eventually become a mentor to the injured Genji. The monk would leave the monastery to pursue a deeper understanding of the world, absorb more knowledge, and keep fighting.

That was a lot to absorb, and if you did enjoy our Overwatch 2 guide, we’ve got plenty of other guides for you to peruse at your own leisure:

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