Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches Preview – A journey into the Underdark

Laura Gray
Neverwinter Northdark Reaches Preview

Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches, the 24th module of the Dungeons & Dragons inspired MMORPG, has officially launched, and players have the chance to delve deep into the Underdark.

Neverwinter is a free-to-play D&D MMORPG that gives players the chance to step into their favorite Classes and take on dangerous adventures with friends online. The game has just launched its 24th module, “Northdark Reaches”, which will take players deep into the Underdark.

To help create the amazing Nevewinter adventure, Dungeons & Dragons novelists R.A. Salvatore and Gene Salvatore have collaborated with Cryptic Studios on Northdark Reaches, taking inspiration from the widely popular trilogy, Way of the Drow.

Dexerto has had a chance to sit down with Cryptic Studios to preview module 24, as well as receive inside details on gameplay choices, design elements, and narrative direction. Nevewinter: Northdark Reaches is a challenging and fast-paced adventure that goes from beautiful to terrifying as players take in bioluminescent backgrounds before being ambushed by spiders.

When is Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches available to play?

Nevewinter fans can start playing module 24 on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC via Steam, Arc Games, and Epic Games Store on November 8, 2022.

As shown in the Trailer shared on the Gearbox Publishing YouTube channel, players receive a call to action to descend into the Northdark Reaches to help solve a mystery that has been discovered.

Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches breathes life into the Underdark

Module 24 introduces the Northdark Reaches Adventure Zone. The first thing players will notice when stepping into the new area is the immersive mixture of imagery. Tall mushrooms replace trees, and glowing fungi erupt from the ground. Spores spot the air, giving the space an almost magical feeling.

However, as they journey deeper into the Adventure Zone, players will also find crumbling towers, tight passageways, and clumps of spiderweb that turn the biome from a fantasy-dreamland into a twisted nightmare.

Areas like the Sporing Tunnels, the hub for adventure quests, gives players a look at the Mycronids. The strange beings of Northdark Reaches are made up of fungi, and appear in a variety of color tones. D&D and R.A. Salvatore fans will also Rumpadump in this area.

Mycronids stand talking in the Underdark

It will be important to pay close attention to every detail in each area as players work their way through the different locations throughout Northdark Reaches. Clues to the main storyline are tucked away in the tunnel walls and on the ground as they explore. There is also a good deal of fighting in close quarters, which will challenge the fighting styles of every Nevewinter fan.

While exploring the area during the preview, Nevewinter Narrative Director Winter Mullenix added:

“Players can expect to see a few beloved characters from the R.A. Salvatore novels including Bruenor Battlehammer (the King of Gauntlgrym), Braelin Janquay (a member of Bregan D’aerthe and ally of Bruenor, the one who has gone missing), and Minolin Fey. To flesh things out further and really ground the story in official D&D lore, we also drew in some characters from the Out of the Abyss adventure module released by Wizards of the Coast in 2015. Rumpadump, the lovable myconid, was selected from that book. For the environments, we also tapped into some older lore. Even though the Northdark Reaches module takes place in a brand new, unexplored location, lore aficionados can expect a few surprises!”

Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches offers new quests

In the preview with Cryptic Studios, Narrative Director Winter Mullenix, Content Designer Ryan Zash, and System Designer Miku Vo showed off the Adventure Zone of Northdark Reaches through the first two quests.

Each of the quests offers numerous rewards, and multiple types of currency that can be used in the module’s shops.

Northdark Reaches Spider
Battle powerful enemies in Northdark Reaches

Players will also encounter dangerous battle areas like “The Warden” (nicknamed The Disco by the Neverwinter team), where a Drider boss can be challenged. The arena is deadly, and if players get trapped in a spotlight, they will be wrapped in a cocoon.

Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches is the perfect blend of narrative and combat, and offers players an expanse of new ways to enjoy both the MMORPG and the Underdark. It is the perfect addition for R.A. Salvatore fans, and the challenges waiting for each party will keep players on their toes for months to come.

About The Author

Laura Gray is Dexerto's US Games Editor, with a big passion for Pokemon. Laura has previously written for Screen Rant and also works as a book/comic illustrator.