Pokemon Go players praise trainer for seven years of Pokestop submissions

Philip Trahan
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Pokemon Go players praised one trainer after showing impressive progress made over seven years to contribute more Pokestops to their local area.

Those who play Pokemon Go know just how important Pokestops are to the game, as they are invaluable ways to get helpful resources like items, Pokemon Eggs, and wild Pokemon.

Unfortunately, some players have little luck with local Pokestops—especially if they live in rural areas without major landmarks or dense populations of other people.

This is why the Pokemon Go community praised one player after they showed off how they improved the local Pokestops around them over the course of seven years with patience and dedication.

Pokemon Go player contributes nearby Pokestops for years

A tweet from Twitter user AMindJoke gained traction among the community after they showed a comparison of their local area in 2016, when Pokemon Go was first released, compared to now in 2023.

In 2016, the area featured a handful of Pokestops with some pretty substantial distance in between each. However, the 2023 images showed a much more populated area with tons of Pokestops close to one another and multiple Gyms.

The Pokemon Go player captioned the tweet with “Dedication>Luck” which suggested they were responsible for submitting many of these Pokestops themselves, which they confirmed in the replies.

For those who may not know, trainers can submit their own Pokestop locations for verification. If a submission is verified and excepted, it will be added to the game as an official Pokestop location.

Other fans also chimed in with their Pokestop efforts, while others noted how their cities changed over time. “…Our city came to life during that part. [The] Pandemic ended all non-hardcore player activity, but now that we’re restarting everything, without those POIs, there wouldn’t be a reason to go out during CD, RD, etc.”

While the Pokestop submission process can seem slow and tedious for some, it’s clear that many fans see it as a necessity to keep the game alive in their local areas.