Skate playtest: How to sign up & play early

James Busby
Skate screenshot

Wondering how to sign up for the Skate playtest? Well, our handy hub has everything you need to know to gain early access. 

EA’s belove Skate series aims to make a triumphant return, giving skateboarding fans around the world the chance to hop back on their boards and deliver some crowd-pleasing tricks. While details on Skate and its release date have been kept under wraps, EA has finally enabled players to sign up for some early playtesting. 

Not only will this enable fans to play the game ahead of its launch, but it will also mark the first time a new Skate game was on the market since Skate 3, which launched back in 2010. So, whether you’re eager to see how Skate is shaping up or simply wish to play it before release, then our Skate playtest sign-up guide has you covered. 

How to sign up for the Skate playtest

Skate gameplay
Skate is still in early development.

Before you head over to the official Skate playtest page, it’s important to note that the playtest is currently only available on PC via Origin. However, EA will be expanding testing to more platforms in the future, but for now, Xbox and PlayStation players will need to wait a little bit longer. 

In order to sign up for the Skate playstest, simply follow the instructions outlined below: 

  • Head over to the EA Skate playtest registration page.
  • Hit the “Sign in to EA playtesting” button.
  • Sign in or sign up for EA’s playtesting service.
  • Select the platforms you play games on.
  • Hit the “Sign-up” button at the bottom of the page.

Once you’ve done the above, you will be signed up for the Skate playtest. If you have been selected to play the game early, you’ll receive an email confirming the dates and times you can play. 

Even if you’re application isn’t successful and you don’t get selected, you’ll still legible for future playtests. We’ll be sure to update this section once further platforms and dates are released. 

So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about signing up for the Skate playtest. Make sure you check out our gaming page for all the latest news and updates.