The Finals players discover they can grab statues from a lot further than they thought

Declan Mclaughlin
The Finals statues

The gameplay in The Finals centers around keeping teammates alive and retrieving their statues to revive them in a safe location. A player on The Finals subreddit demonstrated the maximum distance that teammates can retrieve statues.

The Finals is a very strategic game as in its primary mode, dying with your entire team can cost you money and potentially a spot in the next round. So, keeping teammates alive and reviving them via their statues is a vital skill to learn.

The Medium class is an excellent resource for players to revive players quickly and also heal them when needed. However, every class can grab fallen teammate’s statues and revive them.

For many players, however, the task is a fool’s errand as they will run in to grab the statue, only to fall to enemies in the process. A new post on The Finals’ subreddit might help players overcome that situation as it showcases how far someone can grab the statue.

The Finals players can grab statues from pretty far away

The post claimed that players can grab statues from “200 km away,” which is a little hyperbolic; however, the clips from the post showcased the poster grabbing statues from some shocking distances.

While some players might instinctively try to be on top of the statues to grab them, this post shows that you can grab them from roughly three to four feet away.

Replies to the post include people thanking the poster for revealing this information and saying that they did not think this was possible.

“I wish there was even one thing in game that would hint towards this ability,” one Reddit user said.

Another comment claimed that players can reach further for statues when crouching.