Where Winds Meet: Setting, gameplay & everything we know

Sam Smith
where winds meet

Where Winds Meet is an upcoming action game set in Ancient China that seems to be borrowing all the best elements from other games in the genre.

Where Winds Meet is an open-world action-adventure game that looks a lot like Wo Long fused with Assassin’s Creed. The game is being developed by Everstone Games, a Chinese development studio, and looks like it could be an exciting adventure set in Ancient China. The gameplay trailer shows off lots of sword fights, what appear to be magic spells, platforming, and open-world exploration.

The game looks like it borrows from various genres and other games such as Soulslikes, The Witcher, and Ghosts of Tsushima. Here’s everything we know about Where Winds Meet so far.


where winds meet gameplay
Gameplay reminds us of Sekiro and Assassin’s Creed.

Does Where Winds Meet have a release date?

No, there is no release date for Where Winds Meet as of yet. However, the game is expected to release in late 2023 or early 2024.

What platforms will Where Winds Meet be on?

So far, Where Winds Meet has only been confirmed for PC. However, we imagine a PS5 and Xbox Series X|S release is likely, but unconfirmed at this stage.

Where Winds Meet trailer

Check out the reveal trailer for Where Winds Meet below:

Gameplay and setting

Where Winds Meet looks like it’s set in a fantasy version of Ancient China where magic and mythical creatures exist. The playable character can be seen doing some standard sword-fighting but also uses some special abilities that freeze time or blast enemies across the map. The game is set in a vast open world and towns seem to also have an element of social stealth, as at one point, the character is spotted by enemies and needs to make a run for it.

This setting reminded us of Wo Long: Fallen Kingdom, but the photoreal gameplay resembled Assassin’s Creed or Sekiro, especially when the character was running along the rooftops or exploring the world. We don’t know much about the lore at this stage, but the game looks like it involves an epic quest around a lush fantasy version of China, blending historical events with more fantastical elements.

So, that’s all we know about Where Winds Meet so far. For more on the biggest upcoming releases, check out our pages on some of the most-anticipated games that have been announced:

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