Genshin Impact leak reveals upcoming Epitomized Path character banner

James Busby
Genshin Impact characters standing together

A Genshin Impact leak claims to have uncovered details about a new character banner, that will share similarities to the Epitomized Path. 

Genshin Impact players have always wanted a way to earn specific 5-star characters, particularly those from the game’s Standard Banner. Not only are the members of the original 5-star roster incredibly hard to obtain, many of them have yet to receive their own banner rate-ups, meaning players have to simply take a gamble. 

Well, if a recent leak is to be believed, this “gamble” could soon be alleviated with the introduction of an Epitomized Path-style character banner. This would essentially enable Travelers to choose the character they wish to unlock, making it much easier to get those elusive units. 

Genshin Impact leak reveals Epitomized Path character banner 

Posting on the Genshin Impact leaks Reddit page, one leaker gave details about the new character banner that is believed to be coming to the game. The leak details that an Eiptomized Path-style banner will be released during the 4.5 update, and will include “Mondstadt characters and weapons.”

For those that don’t know, the Epitomized Path enables Travelers to chart a course toward their preferred weapon. Every time you receive a 5-star weapon that is not the one you’ve chosen, you will obtain one Fate Point. You can obtain a maximum of two Fate Points, and once you’ve reached the maximum amount of Fate Points, the next 5-star weapon will be the one you have chosen through Epitomized Path.

If true, this will be a game-changer and will finally enable Travelers to finally unlock Mondstadt characters that have eluded them since release. Of course, like all Genshin Impact leaks, this should be taken with a grain of salt. 

As always, we’ll be sure to update you over on our Genshin Impact page as soon as further details have been revealed.