Genshin Impact players praise HoYoverse for “unhinged” Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain event

James Busby
Mystifying Megachurl

The Genshin Impact community has praised HoYoverse for its latest 4.4 event, which players believe fixes a long-standing problem within the game. 

Genshin Impact’s 4.4 update is well underway and so far players have praised the new 5-star Anemo user Xianyun and 4-star Pyro wielder Gaming. The game’s new Ganyu, Shenhe, and Xingqiu skins have also gone down well with the community. 

However, one of the biggest surprises was the introduction of a new event – Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain. This event has received praise from the Genshin Impact community, with many loving the “unhinged” nature of its introduction. 

Genshin Impact players praise Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain event

“Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain is the most unhinged event in Genshin’s history, and I’m weirdly for it. It’s not perfect, but they’re trying something new,” wrote one Traveler on the Genshin Impact Reddit page

For those who haven’t played the latest event, Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain tasks players with using a floating mask (The Eye of Upano) to jump between Hilichurl or Anemo Slimes. The aim is to sneak through the Hilichurl camps without getting detected by the enemy. 

Once players have found enough clues, they’ll then face off with the Mystifying Megachurl – a gigantic Hilichurl launches cabbages at players. It’s all rather bonkers and unlike past events, Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain doesn’t feature lengthy dialogue or unskippable cutscenes. 

Mystifying Megachurl
Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain is the latest event to catch the community’s eye.

“I’m all for it. Don’t need a cutscene/dialogue for these types of quick gameplay events,” commented one player. “Don’t need your arbitrary Sumeru research thesis or whatever, just give me the gameplay and the rewards.”

Others were also keen to highlight how fun the gameplay was. “The gameplay is fun too though, and all the more enjoyable without having to sit through a bunch of boring text bloat that’s there because the writers were forced to make up something, and neither the players nor writers enjoyed it too much.”

Whether HoYoverse will continue this theme in future events remains to be seen, but it’s clear that fans haven’t missed the bloated dialogue.