GTA Online players have finally found perfect anti-griefing weapon

Ryan Lemay
GTA Online character shooting Rail Gun while dressed in body armour

Dealing with griefers in GTA Online is always cumbersome, but the latest update may have provided the perfect tool for the job.

Rockstar finally dropped the Los Santos Drug War update, bringing a new business in the form of the Acid Lab, new vehicles, and a host of new jobs. The new Gun Van is finally here as well, taking Ammu-Nation on the road.

The Gun Van turns up at different locations around Los Santos, dishing out some of the best weapons you can wield in GTA Online. One of which is the Railgun, which finally makes a long-awaited return.

GTA Online community members got their hands on the fan-favorite weapon, and its power shattered expectations.

Railgun in GTA Online gun van being sold
The Railgun can only be bought from the new Gun Van.

GTA Online players praise Railgun addition

A GTA Online player asked on Reddit, “do you think that the rail gun will be the next overpowered griefing tool.”

The Railgun is a single-shot weapon that excels in taking down vehicles. Mastering the weapon requires pinpoint accuracy, and its poor blast radius limits its impact in dealing with large groups of enemies.

In the right hands, the Railgun has the potential to be overpowered, but community members believe it will serve more good than evil.

One player responded, “A griefing tool needs to be mobile so that it can chase people down. This is much more defensive, and I think it’s definitely more of an anti-griefing tool than a griefing tool.”

A second user added, “I think it will be both a griefing tool and an effective way to combat griefers.”

Community members agree the weapon will be perfect for taking down pesky vehicles. “if I need to take out a jet or helicopter for whatever story or anti-griefer reason, it’s just as effective as the explosive heavy sniper was.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to the user and whether they wield the weapon with heroic or malicious intent.