Rockstar Games gears up for GTA 6 trailer hype with website overhaul

Michael Gwilliam
man running from cops in gta style loading screen

The long-awaited GTA 6 announcement trailer is fast approaching and Rockstar Games has updated its website in preparation.

Rockstar Games shocked the world by confirming that the first trailer for GTA 6 will debut in early December, sending shockwaves through the gaming world as fans longed for the reveal.

Although leaks have already given players a good idea of what to expect from GTA VI, such as a return to Vice City, the playable characters, and gameplay mechanics, fans are still eager to see what Rockstar has in store.

In preparation for the next Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar has completely changed up its website, which could mean the trailer date is in sight.

Rockstar overhauls website in preparation for GTA 6

As reported by Rockstar Universe, the main site for the GTA and Red Dead developer underwent a series of changes on November 20.

Of note, Social Club has been integrated with the main Rockstar website, which means users will have an easier experience navigating without needing to load up Social Club.

Some players believe it was done in preparation for GTA 6’s reveal and its own website. Hopefully, this could be a sign that Rockstar will have plenty of GTA VI info available right after the announcement trailer.

“The storm is coming,” one user remarked.

As of now, we still don’t know the exact date for the reveal trailer, but some suspect it could debut at The Game Awards on December 7. However, it could very well go live before that as well.

In the meantime, be sure to check out more of Dexerto’s GTA 6 coverage as the most anticipated game in history finally approaches.