Summit1g gets instant karma playing GTA RP’s Casino Lucky Wheel

David Purcell

Winning big on the Diamond Casino Lucky Wheel game can land GTA RP players with some serious cash prizes, but for Twitch streamer Jaryd ‘summit1g’ Lazar there’s still a lot to learn. 

There’s always something big happening in the NoPixel server, from huge bank heists to high profile personalities being banned – as we’ve seen on a few occasions with xQc.

After deciding to head over to the game’s biggest gambling center on April 6, summit took his Charles Johnson character right up to the Lucky Wheel minigame. For those who haven’t played it before, one spin of the wheel can land you with some heavy prizes in GTA Online, like a car or a massive lump of casino chips.

Trying to get your turn is a little more frustrating in GTA RP than anywhere else, though, as a line forms around it. Everybody wants their shot and not a lot are willing to wait around to find out which reward they have scooped.

GTA Online Casino
The Diamond Casino & Resort hasn’t always been a feature of GTA RP’s NoPixel server. It was a late addition.

Summit1g’s instant karma on GTA RP

In the past, the leader of the 1G Squad has been on the receiving end of rigged blackjack tables and various other funny moments have been captured here. This time, though, he wanted to win big.

During the broadcast, the variety streamer tried his best to skip past a few people in the queue, only to be hit with some serious karma.

“Move up bro,” he said while skipping a few places in the line. He then started to shout Larry who was nearer the wheel, claiming he was holding a spot for him.

Skipping the line

Soon after, he paid his money to take a spin on the wheel of fortune. By the finest ever margin, he landed on ‘Lose’ which comes right before the car prize.

Summit1g’s Lucky Wheel spin

Moments later, his chat realized something very interesting about the winner of a $10,000 prize (which is a fair amount in GTA RP, compared to GTA Online where everybody has millions).

The winner was standing in summit’s original spot, so if he didn’t move the reward would have been his to keep.

The karma

Maybe next time he will stay in place before playing the Lucky Wheel, but that is doubtful. If we know anything about summit1g on GTA RP it’s that he likes to bend the rules, and that’s why thousands of people watch along every stream.

You can expect to see a lot of serious cash made in bank robberies and heists in the future. This time, though, he come up short.

About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: