Banishers Ghosts of New Eden: All endings explained & how to unlock them

Sam Smith
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Banishers Ghosts of New Eden features four different endings, here’s how to unlock each one and what they all mean for the characters and setting.

There are multiple paths you can follow in Banishers Ghosts of New Eden and each one can lead you to one out of four separate endings. Of course, most of these have to do with Antea’s fate after the character becomes a ghost early in the story. Despondent over her death, both Antea and Red toy with the possibility of resurrecting her. However, this goes against everything they stand for as Banishers and will require them to sacrifice multiple living people to achieve this outcome.

Until their task is complete, Antea will continue to haunt Red, who will need to decide if he’s going to resurrect his beloved or Ascend her into an unknown afterlife. While Red will vow to fulfill one of these promises, the events of the game will test his resolve (and yours), so you could end up with a completely different outcome by the time the credits roll. Here’s each of Banisher’s endings explained and how to unlock them.

All endings in Banishers

Banishers main characters
Will you sacrifice the innocent to save Antea?

The ending you receive depends on how you resolve the game’s many hauntings. Did you peacefully Ascend most spirits? Forcibly Banish them? Or did you Blame and sacrifice many living humans, consuming their life essence so that Antea could come back to life?

Of course, some spirits will need to be banished and some people do truly deserve the blame for their crimes. However, the more spirits you Ascend, the more chance you have of unlocking a morally good ending – but it will mean Antea stays dead and is separated from Red forever.

Or you can choose to sacrifice and Blame even the innocent victims of a haunting, stealing their lifeforce and channeling it into Antea. This will resolve the haunting and get the couple one step closer to being reunited. However, at a terrible cost.

Here’s every ending in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden:

Ascend oath fulfilled

This ending involves both Red and Antea sticking to their principles as Banishers and ultimately choosing to send her to the afterlife once their mission is complete. It also requires you to swear to Antea that you’ll help her Ascend when the time comes.

While it’s laced with sadness, this is considered the game’s “best ending”, as the heroes helped the colony of New Eden and peacefully allowed the spirits of the dead to move on.

Of course, some spirits needed to be banished as they were a threat or refused to go, so don’t worry about banishing those who require it. You can also blame a small amount of living evildoers if you truly believe they deserve it. Red will naturally be broken by the loss of Antea, but the game shows him moving on and finding happiness, while never forgetting her.

Ascent oath partially fulfilled

This ending is similar to the one above but will be unlocked if Red and Antea falter from their Ascent oath too much and Blame too many people. In this case, Red will still Ascend Antea when the time comes, but he’ll be forever haunted by the murders he committed in New Eden. He’ll struggle to move on and will be forever traumatized by the loss of Antea and his own crimes.

While this ending sees Red and Antea ultimately do the right thing, sacrificing their own happiness and the possibility of having a life together for the residents of New Eden, the ending is tarnished by their weakness in failing to stay on this path.

Banishers gameplay
Banisher’s hauntings will encourage you to make some tough choices.

Resurrection oath fulfilled

For this ending, vow to resurrect Antea and take every opportunity to Blame and sacrifice the living souls you come across when resolving a haunting. This will also involve condemning many innocent people to death so that Antea can live again. You can show mercy to some people, but not many.

When the story ends, Antea will be resurrected but it will be implied that she’ll need to continue to consume the lifeforce of others for the rest of her days if she and Red are to remain together. Both Antea and Red will commit to this murderous path, but Red will be utterly traumatized by the evil he has and will continue to inflict on the world.

Oath failed

This ending is actually two in one as it involves failing your oaths to either Resurrect or Ascend Antea. To unlock it, simply do the opposite of what you vowed to do in the cave. Then, when faced with the task to either Ascend or Resurrect Antea, Red will fail and Seeker will intervene to help.

However, Deborah will revert back to her Nightmare form and cause Seeker to age, revealing her to be the witch Siridean from another time. Red will then be blasted back in time to atone for his mistakes, waking up back in the beach cave where he and Seeker first met. He will then be tasked with completing his journey again, but this time ensuring he sticks to his oath to either resurrect or Ascend Antea.

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