Helldivers 2 fans slam “disgusting” players for kicking

John Esposito
Helldivers 2 character running towards camera as Stratagems drop from the sky.

Helldivers 2 players are frustrated with inexplicable kicking and have taken to voicing their frustrations and horror stories.

Helldivers 2 has been a monumental achievement for PlayStation and Arrowhead Game Studios since it arrived in early February. Its launch was immense as it climbed the Steam charts and raked in rave reviews despite server struggles galore.

Outside of what the devs control, player frustration has been mounting, as bad apples in the community ruin the fun for others. For example, cheaters have been on the rise alongside a form of supremacy from high-ranking players.

Kicking has also become a glaring issue, as players inexplicably are removed from a game, leading to massive frustration.

Helldivers 2 fans blast players for unexplained kicking

Kicking has been a topic of ire amongst the community since players can just boot others out without explanation. Numerous horror stories populate every corner of Helldivers’ presence, as players plead for changes.

In a bit of a critical post shared to the game’s subreddit, one Helldivers 2 player shared: “That is f**ing disgusting.” They continued to blast players after they were kicked from a match right before the evacuation shuttle landed.

“I did nothing wrong, no stratagem did any teamkill. And I lost all of my samples and the ones they collected during that 40-minute mission,” the player stated.

With the game’s goal being to unite the galaxy via democracy and freedom and a heavy emphasis on teamwork, one would think kicking and inexplicable rule-breaking would not be a thing. Unfortunately, it is, as players shared similar stories of being kicked without reason.

Another player shared: “I also just had some random person kill the three other people on the evac ship on purpose by shooting into it with the Breaker, then evac, causing us to lose the 5 Super Samples and a couple dozen of the regular/rare ones, on a Difficulty 8 mission.”

Similar stories followed the same trend, as players faced increasingly nefarious team behavior. However, one shared their solution: “This happened to me once and ever since I’ve hosted all my games. There, problem solved!”

Others hoped reporting tools would make their way into the game to combat such toxicity. Helldivers 2 is in its relative infancy, future updates, hopefully, should address the myriad of toxic behavior players have been facing.