T1 Keira disappointed as Riot denies Champion he wants for his Worlds skin

Declan Mclaughlin
T1 keria

After winning the 2023 League of Legends World Championship, T1 support Ryu ‘Keria’ Min-seok said that he could not pick the Champion he wanted to receive a Worlds skin and added context to the situation in a livestream after the Grand Final.

T1 won Worlds 2023 by defeating Wiebo Gaming 3-0 in the Grand Final. The win was a culmination of two years of almosts for the team as T1 had come in second at The Mid-Season Invitational in 2022 and 2023 and were runners-up at the 2022 World Championship.

As is tradition for every team that wins Worlds, the T1 lineup will get to choose a Champion they played in the tournament to receive a new skin based on their run at the tournament. In the press conference after their win, T1 support Keria revealed that he wanted to pick Lux to receive a skin, but since he didn’t play her during the event he would have to choose between Bard and Renata Glasc.

In a livestream after the festivities concluded, Keria revealed the conversation he had with Riot about his Worlds skin Champion choice.

Keria wanted Lux to have a Worlds skin

According to a recap of the stream on the League of Legends subreddit, Keria said he and his bot lane partner might have been able to play Caitlyn and Lux once in the Grand Final, but only if they were on the blue side. T1 was on the red side for three consecutive games and won each one.

Part of the stream was also translated into English by Korizon Esports’ Ashley Kang. The player mentioned his experience speaking with the skin team about Lux getting a Worlds skin.

“Look, I only thought about making a Lux skin. I never thought about any other skin. So I went to the Riot meeting and spent most of my time talking about Lux… I asked them to make it pretty, and they said they can make Bard pretty too. And I just frowned,” Keria said, according to Kang.

The player has yet to reveal his pick of Champions for a Worlds skin at the time of writing.