Illari banned in Overwatch 2 as bug gives support infinite ammo

Michael Gwilliam
illari in overwatch 2

The Overwatch 2 devs have pulled Illari from all game modes following a game-breaking bug that gave the support infinite ammo.

The January 9 Overwatch 2 patch finally nerfed Mauga while taking aim at players’ issues with anti-heal, but created a whole other issue with an unfortunate Illari bug, just as the hero got buffed.

In the latest patch, Illari’s ammo saw an increase from 14 to 16 on paper – but it ended up playing out a bit differently in the game once the update went live.

Within hours of the patch going live, players uncovered that Illari was actually able to shoot nonstop, and the devs were forced to take severe action.

OW2 devs remove Illari after game-breaking ammo bug

As showcased by Twitch streamer ML7, Illari can shoot continuously without needing to reload, even when she exceeds the 16 shots in her weapon.

Instead, the ammo count will switch over to the negative, but the hero can still fire away, dealing nonstop damage.

Not wanting players to abuse this bug, the devs announced that the hero was being pulled from all game modes until they could implement a fix.

“Illari has been disabled for all game modes as we investigate an issue with her ammunition not resetting correctly,” they said on the official forums.

It’s not known yet when the hero will be back in the roster, but at least players can queue up without needing to worry about nefarious users exploiting the bug.

This isn’t the first time an OW2 hero had to be banned. Last year, Hanzo was pulled after players discovered a nonstop full-charged arrow bug.