Overwatch 2 devs explain how current heroes will change as new ones are released

Michael Gwilliam
genji mythic ow2 skin

The Overwatch 2 team has revealed how they plan to change up current heroes as they continue to add more as time goes on.

Every second season, a new hero has joined the Overwatch 2 roster, introducing a slew of unique abilities with them so they stand out from the crowd.

Inevitably, some heroes have abilities and effects that overlap a bit with the existing cast, and with new status effects, it can be hard to tell what exactly is happening.

During a recent Reddit developer AMA, players inquired about updates the the game’s cast and whether or not they plan to touch up some of the visuals to make things more clear and the devs shared some insight.

Overwatch Hero Designer reveals plans to update OW2 abilities

In the post, a user referenced another thread where players expressed concerns about Orisa in particular and how it’s hard to tell when she’s on fire, in Fortify, or even being Nano Boosted and if the team will ever do something to update the visuals.

According to Lead Hero Designer Alec Dawson, fixing up visuals are on the to-do list, and pointed to how new heroes create new challenges.

Mauga in Overwatch 2
The devs want to touch up effects for heroes like Mauga.

“As we inevitably add more heroes to the game, with their own set of abilities and visual kits, we’ll continue to look at past VFX and new VFX to make sure they all play nicely together,” he said.

Regarding the Orisa thread, Dawson called it a “great example” of how difficult it can be for players to read stacking effects, adding that other heroes have similar challenges.

“The team is currently talking about solutions for that and hears the feedback on the readability for some of Mauga’s abilities.”

It’s not clear when a visual update will be released to make certain abilities and effects easier to read, but it could be part of a larger update coming next season.

Season 9 is set to introduce a new ranked system as well as changes to the game’s “core mechanics” such as burst healing and damage, so there’s quite a lot to look forward to.

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