Overwatch 2 devs planning new changes to help low-rank players out of Bronze

Liam Ho
Lifeweaver in OW2 Battlepass Skin for Season 5

Overwatch 2 developers Blizzard have announced that they’ll be making incremental adjustments in Season 5 to allow players to climb out of the depths of Bronze.

Overwatch 2 recently entered its fifth season, bringing a whole new season of content for players to enjoy. This includes the medieval RPG battle pass, which showcases the mythic Tracer adventurer skin. Alongside this, we’re seeing the return of the Summer Events, with the new Winston’s Beach Volleyball. Finally, Blizzard is also releasing their own take on the prop hunt genre, titled Mischief and Magic

Season 5 also brought a bunch of balancing changes to Blizzard’s hero shooter including a rework to Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade and Mei’s primary fire. This has shifted the meta within Overwatch 2 a decent bunch, which has been reflected in the game’s ranked queues. 

It appears however that Blizzard is looking to revamp Overwatch 2’s ranked mode even further, especially for players in the lower brackets like bronze. In a recent blog post, Blizzard announced that they’d be making incremental adjustments in Season 5 to help more players climb out of Bronze 5, the lowest rank in the game.

Overwatch 2 PC rank distribution
Blizzard has shared the current rank distribution for PC players.

Overwatch 2 devs announce changes to help Bronze 5 players climb

Blizzard, whilst happy with the current rank distribution in general, isn’t too pleased with how many players have ended up in Bronze 5. 

“We have found that more players have ended up in Bronze 5 than we want. This is mostly an unintended side effect of adding MMR decay for inactive players in Overwatch 2,” the blog post reads.

As such, they’ll be making adjustments throughout Season 5, hopefully enabling more players to ascend the ranks. 

“We’ve started making incremental adjustments in Season 5 to enable more players to climb out of Bronze 5 in a way that doesn’t upset the distribution of the curve. This is an issue we plan to closely monitor in future weeks and seasons.”

Blizzard has stated that these changes will not affect the distribution of the rest of the curve, meaning players that aren’t near Bronze 5 won’t be impacted. With these changes in mind, now might be the best time to hop back into that ranked grind and give it another go.