Overwatch 2 player shocked as dev approves new BattleTag only to get them punished

Liam Ho
Lifeweaver In Game Model

An Overwatch 2 player was left shocked after their new BattleTag was modified and approved by a Game Master, only to have them be punished for it by the in-game report system.

You never know what sorts of players you’ll run into while playing Blizzard’s hero shooter Overwatch 2. Whether it be the pocket Mercy and Genji e-daters, the DPS Moira players, or even the criminally insane Junkrat one tricks, Overwatch hosts a colorful assortment of individuals.

Because of this you often see some goofy and hilarious names pop up from time to time in lobbies. These names can often reference memes within the community, with one of the more recent ones shouting out support hero Lifeweaver.

Lifeweaver or as much of the community has coined him, Wifeleaver has been in Overwatch 2 since his introduction in Season 4. The meme name has stuck with the hero, so much so players have begun naming themselves after it. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a bit of a kerfuffle for one player, who was told two very different things from Blizzard.

Overwatch 2 player has named automatically changed after being approved by GM

An Overwatch player has reported that their name was automatically changed by the system due to it being “inappropriate”. However, this was the exact name that they had changed by a Blizzard Customer Support agent just three days prior.

Reddit user xRetz had just asked for their name to be changed to Wifeleaver by a Blizzard Game Master, who delightfully obliged. Only three days later, Retz received an automated notification to notify them that the name was inappropriate, and was adjusted.

Players were quick to question the banning and support side of Overwatch 2, listing recent events that have had the player base in fear.

“Something has gone seriously haywire on the Overwatch banning/support side I think. So many reports of people getting suspensions/bans for no verifiable reason. And blizzard is often unwilling to provide information about their reasoning. Very scary stuff, kind of worried about losing my account with all the money I’ve put into it,” they explained.

Retz also came forward to point out that there were 1,500 other accounts named Wifeleaver, none of which have needed to change their name.

byu/xRetz from discussion

Why this punishment happened is yet to be known, but it certainly has left Overwatch 2 players confused and a little concerned.