Overwatch 2 players just uncovered a wild Illari bug six weeks after her debut

Jeremy Gan
Illari in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 players have just discovered an Illari bug six weeks removed from her arrival, one that that launches you up in the air with ease.

When it comes down to mechanics, Overwatch 2 is an incredibly complicated game. With abilities that teleport, spawn turrets and walls, and more, there’s plenty to wrap your head around. However, due to its many unique interactions, the game can get quite buggy at times. 

From using Mei walls to glitch yourself into out-of-bounds areas to a Mercy glitch that allows you to take hostage of a server by lagging it to a standstill, we’ve seen it all. Although not every single bug is quite as game-breaking. 

Falling into the minor camp, players just discovered an odd Illari bug that launches you up into the air with relative ease. 

Posted on the Overwatch subreddit, a player found that when you jump on an Illari Healing Pylon multiple times you can be launched into the air, with the Pylon breaking as a result.

In the posted clip, the Pylon was on a cart, with the player, a Zenyatta, jumping right on it multiple times until they were launched up into the air. 

As the poster aptly put the bug, “I just jumped on top of it and I guess it got confused and launched me off.” 

As for why it may have happened, there’s no quite telling for certain just yet. However, our best guess is that the game really did get confused by the two objects colliding and automatically pushed the player up into the sky while breaking the other object. 

The bug seemingly makes the turret a jump pad, giving a surprising amount of air when the trick is used. As for how replicable the bug is, it appears to be quite difficult to repeat, especially in the heat of the moment. So don’t plan around this particular exploit for your next team fight.