Overwatch 2 players mock devs for announcing fix to Kiriko bug after three seasons

Filip Krawanski
DPS kiriko in ow2

Overwatch 2 players mocked Blizzard for just now announcing that they are working on fixing a Kiriko bug that has been in the game for almost three seasons.

Overwatch 2 is currently in its fifth season, and as with any live-service game some characters, mechanics, and sometimes bugs, get less attention than others and must simply await their turn to receive changes or fixes.

Sometimes issues surrounding bugged characters and abilities are just too complex to hotfix right away and they take a long time to get changed.

One such problematic ability is Kiriko’s “Swift Step”, an ability ridden with so many problems that the community dubbed it “the most bugged ability in Overwatch 2.”

The teleport which is intended to warp you to a teammate you place your crosshair over sometimes doesn’t work and leaves you in the same spot with no penalties, sometimes it sends you backward and goes on cooldown, and sometimes it clips you through the floor and you instantly die under the map.

There are so many videos and reports it would be hard to punctuate just how many things can and have gone wrong for different players when utilizing the core mobility skill of Kirkiko.

Overwatch 2 players mock devs for their bug fix announcement

The team working on Overwatch 2 is clearly aware of the issue, as there have been numerous attempts to fix the issue in the past.

“The tech being used is a shared technology with another hero, there’s some issues with it,” Jared Neuss, the executive producer of Overwatch 2, said about the Kiriko bug in an interview with Emongg. “We tried some bug fixes, and those bug fixes sort of improved it but it’s still very much a problem.”

“And so the effort that has to happen now is a rewrite of the teleport logic, now that we know that and we are doing it, it will be fixed.”

Overwatch Cavalry, a popular Overwatch-oriented Twitter news account, reported Jared’s comments, to which many players responded by mocking the dev team.

“FINALLY 3 seasons later bro,” said one user. A sentiment carried by another player who responded: “there finally gonna fix a bug that’s been in the game for 10 months.”

Others are simply happy Kiriko is finally receiving the long-awaited fixes.

“Dang finally! She’s one of the most fun supports to play for me but I’ve been avoiding her due to bugs,” wrote another user in the thread.

Kiriko fixes are not the only content on the horizon, the PVE missions are also something players have been waiting seasons for, but according to reports, playtesters criticized the lack of replayability for the Overwatch 2 PVE missions.